Today is not ###'s birthday; it's next week, but we're supposed to be surprising her today and having a surprise birthday party. She doesn't have many friends, but the ones that she does have are worldly, and we have a few people from our congregation, so there will be some Christians here and some not. Pray that the fire of God that's on this property, because our church is on this property, but the glory of the Lord will be seen and souls will get saved! And the mighty name of Jesus, everything is done only in His name that His name would be magnified and lifted high. I have signs all around that say "Jesus saves" on the fence, "repent and believe the gospel!" I pray that there will be no second heaven activity; some of these people are new agers, and I also pray that my daughter would be convicted of these paintings. She paints beautiful paintings, but sometimes she does this painting where you just go with the brush at whatever comes out comes out, and there are demons, and those paintings I've seen them, and sometimes she paints when she's angry; it's a release for her. Pray that she would recognize that maybe she should discard those paintings and get them out of our house. I don't want anything in this house that is not of God, and even though she's anointed and blessed in her paintings, I don't want them to be used for evil. Also, just praying that everything in her life that needs to go she would let it go, and that today the glory of God would be so thick on this property. We forbid any demonic spirits to manifest; it's and people will feel and know that God is real in Jesus' name.