Faithful Servant
Dear Heavenly Father of our Salvation Jesus Christ. I thank you for your loving kindness your many blessings and your tender mercies. Please be with all of us who call upon your name and answer our prayers according to your will. ย Your will be done in all of our lives. I lift my sister Shanell up to you Dear Father I ask you to please be with her while she is out living in the world. She is selling her body for money to drink and use drugs. She drinks and stays drunk often and uses meth. She left her kids at home with their Grandma and Aunt. They miss her dearly. Please protect her while she is out there Dear Father and please bring her home out of this sinful life. I know that You can fix anything Loving Father. I have faith that You will bring her out of this and get her life straight. I rebuke the misery spirit from her in Jesus name. ย I rebuke the spirit of addiction from her in Jesus name. Please forgive us of our sins Dear Loving Father. Please bring her home and give her the want to straighten out her life. I love You and I thank You in Jesus name I pray amen.