Prayer Partner
I have so much to be thankful for, but at the same time so many things that are causing me sadness and distress. My husband of almost 27 years told me several months ago that he wasn't sure that he had any feelings left for me at all, that I wasn't worth caring about, and that he had been looking for a place to live. While things have gotten a little better he is still rather distant and tries to find fault in nearly everything I do, and he tries to be purposefully difficult. I am a good wife to him and I take care of him like I don't have a full-time job of my own. Our college-age children have gotten to the point that they don't like having their Dad around because of the way he treats me. He never asks me how my day went, but I'm expected to listen intently to anything he has to say or complain about. He has no respect for me or other people and I pray that he comes to God. I would love to have a caring Godly man in my life that would help me carry the burdens of everyday life without putting everything on my shoulders, plus his troubles as well. I'm a hard worker, a good wife and a good mother. I have been at my job for 20 years and was given a new boss a few months ago and she is a complete micro-manager. A new employee was brought in to help me in my job but I'm spending more time being tasked in helping her than I am getting help that I need, and I'm having to work overtime and weekends to try and get all the work done with very little help from the new employee. The new employee is a very sweet lady but she just does not have the sense of urgency that we need in the financial department. I pray every day for my husband to start treating me with respect, for my new boss to stop managing every minute of my day in a job that I have been doing for 20 years, and that the new employee will finally get it together and be able to completely do the job she was hired to do. I feel so defeated in every aspect of my life, and I pray for relief. I pray for relief of my anxiety, to finally be completely healed from the Bell's Palsy I developed over 1 year ago, overweightness and other health conditions I have going on.