Beloved of All
I'm a teen who's had ADHD since birth and PMS since puberty. It's a tough combination, especially since lack of emotional regulation is in both. I'm thanking God for the fact that despite my struggles, I've made it this far in school. I'm graduating this year, and honestly, I don't know how. But I've never gotten accommodations for my ADHD as a child because of a series of unfortunate events, and since I've been high-functioning in school, it would be harder to get them now. But I have important government exams this year and next year, plus a ton of assignments. I'm falling behind and I've been wrapped up in my emotions for days now, despite praying. Plus, I think I may be getting worse, but I don't know if getting medication is a good idea, and even so, my mom keeps delaying setting an appointment. I can hardly finish my assignments anymore. I'm just in internal crisis, like is this my fault? Is this my sinful desires or is my brain just wired to choose the wrong thing? Why do I deny doing what I know I need to do? Why do I feel like Paul in Romans 7:13-20? Why can I write long paragraphs about my feelings but not even write a small introduction for my assignment? Will I ever heal? I've been learning to forgive myself for my mistakes, learn from them and let them go, but this is hard to let go when I do it again and again and I'm just getting increasingly frustrated with myself. And I'm tired of being a broken track record, I'm tired of the pressure, I'm tired of the hormones, I'm tired of my body, I'm tired of myself, I'm tired of everything. I'm still thanking God that I at the very least healed me and helped me find purpose so when I was suicidal I didn't end up ending it. I know God has great things planned for me, and this is just a hurdle. But it's a hurdle that feels like an ant with asthma trying to climb over a hill. I've never used a study schedule up until this point, never had to be this organized or prioritize ever so often, and now they throw all that on me and more and expect me to know what to do. I'm smart, and ended up in honours class, again, giving God credit for that. But I've witnessed my own anxiety wipe things clear out my head before. Emotional highs and lows are significantly impacting when, where, and how I do my work, and with my lack of organizational skills, I'm not getting ahead by much. I try to trust God with my life, but things keep falling down. Do I just need more faith? Or maybe patience? How do I discipline myself? I don't know. I'm probably gonna go cry for no good reason again. I'm just tired, man.