Servant of All
Goodmorning, I am thankful to be saved by Jesus Christ and pray for others that according to Gods Will He saved those souls of those he put in my heart to go in prayer for.
As I was going in prayer for my husband God showed me in my image in my mind about the two thief on the cross with Jesus during the crucifixion
Luke 23:42-43
42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
I am believing by Faith that God is speaking to my husband soul reasoning and conscious.
My husband William Sr trying to kick against the prick but God is lassoing him in. My husband William Sr will not be able to fight the calling of coming to Jesus, he’s going to surrender and he’s in the similar situation as the man ask Jesus to remember him when you come into Your kingdom. By Faith my husband William Sr is about to experience his calling of Jesus, letting Jesus into his heart.
I pray right now in Jesus name according to God‘s Will that my husband William Sr open up and let Jesus in and that he don’t run from Jesus but run to Jesus, I pray he does this before he goes to court to turn his self in to jail.
I pray he has no desire,taste, crave, want, feeling, to ever drink alcohol of any kind ever again in this life and as his body is the temple of the Lord that he keeps it pure and sober. God please remove any temptation from my husband heart and please give him the Will power not to give in the flesh, In Jesus name Amen
As I was going in prayer for my husband God showed me in my image in my mind about the two thief on the cross with Jesus during the crucifixion
Luke 23:42-43
42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
I am believing by Faith that God is speaking to my husband soul reasoning and conscious.
My husband William Sr trying to kick against the prick but God is lassoing him in. My husband William Sr will not be able to fight the calling of coming to Jesus, he’s going to surrender and he’s in the similar situation as the man ask Jesus to remember him when you come into Your kingdom. By Faith my husband William Sr is about to experience his calling of Jesus, letting Jesus into his heart.
I pray right now in Jesus name according to God‘s Will that my husband William Sr open up and let Jesus in and that he don’t run from Jesus but run to Jesus, I pray he does this before he goes to court to turn his self in to jail.
I pray he has no desire,taste, crave, want, feeling, to ever drink alcohol of any kind ever again in this life and as his body is the temple of the Lord that he keeps it pure and sober. God please remove any temptation from my husband heart and please give him the Will power not to give in the flesh, In Jesus name Amen