Servant of All
Thank you. Sex It’s instituted by God for marriage only. I’m praying for my unsaved husband who God is converting. I forgive him and waiting patiently for God to place in his heart to forgive me and let it go. So we supposed to be intimate however he has not forgiven me for the past and that is my prayer request that he forgives me for the past hurt and then he recognize the part he played in hurting me.30 days--- For the next 30 days put all carnal thoughts out of your mind. Think only with your heart moving up toward heaven. Don't let any thoughts about this situation and subject enter your heart or your mind. Ignore anything below your heart area. ♥ Stay in love with Jesus Christ only for 30 days. If he calls don't answer. Cleanse your home your phone your computer your entire neighborhood if you want. Sometimes we have called in carnal negative effects because that's how unwanted forces sneak in and set traps. We must stay away from bad news and bad words and bad people and society. It takes diligence to make sure that you are not falling into a trap. I'm sure you were unaware that this was happening while you were living with your man. The enemy (ego) which is absolutely anything that isn't of God will convince anyone that pleasure is all okay. But it's a lie perpetrated by the internet and anything that gets you distracted like drugs or alcohol or even someone else your desiring. We MUST be mature in life and wise and mentally disciplined. 30 days is a baby step! You will have to lose all desire for the flesh. That doesn't mean you can't live in a spiritual manner in the marriage but you must NOT be having sex for just pleasure. The human body is a sacred instrument that God gives us. The world has been living a lie. This is why you see it everyday pointing toward those in power abusing their power yet begging to be given more power. The paradigm is shifting towards compassion and respect and understanding. Being told to respect authority by those who cheat and abuse their authority is a form of brainwashing. We must respect our inner authority which is Jesus Christ. A man must work hard to provide for his family members and be a leader in his community. If your man is gone on a pleasure experience shut him out until he repents and asks forgiveness. 30 days ask for help from Jesus to show you the way toward something good and healthy and pure. Men are weak and so are women and they are not building up our society by indulging in carnal behavior. This took me a long time to figure out. Pleasure of the flesh robs the best part of ourselves. We act upon this story we have been carrying on for years. That pleasure is generated for us to keep us satisfied. But it's a trick to turn us away from God to keep us weak. Insecurity is what you're feeling. Imagine if he was praying for you? If you were the one cheating. How would you feel about being told don't come home for 30 days until you arepercent sure you wanted me and only me! That you had to get tested etc. You must look at your self worth. God will not answer prayers for anyone who is not living in faith. You have been hurt by your husband's ways. Pray for strength to get back to yourself not some crazy things that make you feel worse. Go to church go to support groups go to a higher level of education in human behavior. God has forgiven you. Now forgive yourself and be self loving toward your own heart. I know you miss him but you can't let anyone get away with mistreating you. Jesus is speaking wisdom to you right now. As SOON as you set the rules he'll be begging you to come home. 30 days are not that long. If you really want restoration. If you really want it to resolve. Get some serious advice about how you've been treated. Honor God first. Then this will be resolved. You are asking for help. Then be open to receive it. Block your carnal mind and make a commitment to live up and keep expanding your thoughts with Jesus. I am
percent sure that all of this will turn around for the highest good. In Jesus name amen.
So God can restore our marriage as God already confirmed to me that our marriage will be restored. The Lord has already answered my specific prayers thus far that I’ve been praying for him in peace by peace God is softening his heart. I’m not giving up on my husband