Servant of All
Prayer for my husband William Sr. I’m not giving up on my husband in Jesus name. Here is a prayer inspired by How To Lead Your Unsaved Or Lukewarm Spouse To Christ - Guest Post - This is a prayer for your partner’s salvation and spiritual well-being based on 1st Timothy chapters 1 and 2 (fill in the blanks with your spouse’s name). Lord, I thank you for my husband William Sr. Today I pray that you will teach William Sr how to live a peaceful quiet life in all godliness and holiness. It is your will that William Sr be saved and come to the true knowledge of truth through Christ Jesus who is the mediator between mankind and God. Father, You paid the price for William Sr and gave yourself as ransom for him on the cross of Calvary. Lord, I ask that William Sr be not deceived by the devil and the teachings of this new age, but that you draw him near to You through faith in love through Jesus Christ. Give him a pure heart that turns away from sin and the ability to know right from wrong. Father, you have entrusted me with William Sr as his sister in Christ and wife. I thank you for the strength you give me to continue being a good example of your love to him. Give me the courage to hold on to my faith and to believe that my prayers are at work even though things may seem contrary to what my natural eyes see. I ask these things in the name of our Lord, Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. Guest Post Written By, Kip and Tania Beasley I added specific to this prayer written by Kip and Tania Beasley as I placed my husband name in this prayer