My husband has been wanting a divorce for the last several months and finally we have separated. Not what I wanted but I couldn't continue to live in the unhealthy environment. He was making our home life miserable. He would not speak to me hardly and just completely shut me out. At the suggestion of my attorney I had him removed from the house (still not what I wanted). I did not know which way to turn. He is extremely angry at me now and no matter how hard I try to extend an olive branch he completely shuts me down. My husband is not innocent in all of this. I will not get into his indiscretions. My husband had a very bad childhood growing up and I think he has alot of anger built up, I also think he is suffering from mental illness. His family and I have always thought he suffered from mental illness but he continues to deny this. I know that God will work it out in his time. We have a 4 yr old daughter and it is killing me seeing her go back and forth. I want my husband to see the only way he can overcome his issues is through God and that is the only way to get our family back together. I am trying to give it all to God, I just don't know how to let go and stop trying to fix things myself (which obviously is not working). Please pray for my husband to find God and work to overcome his issues. Also pray for me that I am able to find the strength I need to completely give this to God. I know God can work miracles and this truly will take a miracle.