Disciple of Prayer
Please pray for my daughter and her two little children. My daughter is a devout Christian and her husband claims he is also. My son-in-law has claimed over the years that my daughter suffers from poor mental health and that that is the source of marital problems. He has over the years called me and texted me whenever they have an argument asking me to pray for her mental health and he claims that she allows demonic attack on her mind. The way he would describe my daughter is not the daughter I know. Well, four months ago, I moved into the basement suite of their house. I have since learned that my daughter has been under psychological abuse from her husband for years. I hear him pick fights with her out of the blue. Baseless fights involving extreme gas lighting in attempts to force her to believe she is crazy. I hear my daughter stand up to him with the most amazing Godly wisdom. I hear throughout the week when her husband is at work I hear her be calm, loving and joyful with her two young children - playing with them, singing with them, teaching them Godly wisdom, Godly ways of treating others and praying with them. When my son-in-law comes home from work the tension mounts within the household as he begins questioning everything she does and says and starts picking on her. He uses God and the Bible against her. The weekends are the worst for he does not work on weekends. He spends his weekends gaslighting my daughter hours and hours of arguing and then no arguing and then arguing again. My son-in-law plays victim as well. He is in no other words evil in how he deceives others to believe my daughter is mentally ill and he lies to others saying that he is the victim who suffers at the hands of the alleged mental illness. My daughter gets moments of anxiety now because of my son-in-law's treatment of her. But she is one of the most mentally sound people I know who stands up to a bully of a husband. Oh, also, I my son-in-law acts fake in front of people. He is just evil and I now have stress and anxiety because of the stress in the household. My daughter has missed church two weeks in a row now because my son-in-law becomes self-righteous in his gaslighting words towards her while she is getting ready that she just ends up frustrated and stays home. Meanwhile I overhear my two grandchildren say "stop it" to the arguing. It is so heartbreaking. My daughter does not believe in divorce even though three years ago a woman texted my daughter informing my daughter that my son-in-law was sending inappropriate texts to this woman - he was lustfully and emotionally cheating on my daughter - my daughter was six months pregnant when this was going on. He has done this a few times over the course of their ten-year marriage at one point a woman my son-in-law was emotionally cheating with decided she wanted my son-in-law to leave my daughter so that they could get together and be in a relationship. My daughter threatened divorce and my son-in-law called me crying saying that my daughter is allowing the enemy in to her head and is threatening divorce. I stopped his lies instantly telling him that I knew what was going on and that he is to stop all communications with the woman and begin honouring his wife and marriage. I pray every day over this household, but I need others to join in and get praying to bring the change that is needed. Please help my daughter and her two children by praying for her marriage and for wisdom as to what she is to do. Thank you so much.