Beloved of All
Prayer for my cousins 
1) Jesus, remember when she was little and she worshipped you and sang with anointing. She was smart and had so much potential. You were with her when she threw up as a little girl because her Daddy, her hero, yelled at her and destroyed her confidence. You were watching over her when she became pregnant at 17. You kept her and her third baby alive when she almost died. You see the way she and her husband are suffering under bipolar disorder and medication and suicidal behavior. You see how the children are being raised by the internet. Please set her marriage and family in perfect order. Help her still be incredibly smart and full of potential. Bless her voice to be infinitely more beautiful and powerful and anointed than ever. Help her find a career she enjoys and even get her degrees. Guide them to a home church with a great Sunday school and Christian friends who are very responsible parents
2) Father, my other cousin is trying to seek you. She’s going to church several times a week, listening to preaching and gospel music on her phone, and talking about you. Still, she doesn’t seem to understand that we can believe for anything. You know how she was tormented by bullies in middle school. Please forgive her for embracing illness as an escape. Provide money and opportunity to go to graduate school. Please heal her from the long list of illnesses she’s had and help her recognize how to obey and live for you and surround her with people who do the same
3) the youngest one just started at a new high school. she doesn’t know you yet but I trust you will capture her heart soon. Help her survive and thrive in an environment where most kids are vaping, drinking, and getting high on a regular basis. Please bless her with Christian friends at her school and around her new home. Heal her from the trauma her Dad put her through and show her through your spirit how beautiful she is in Christ
4) Lord, please comfort their mother and turn her to you. Forgive her husband for cheating on her with multiple women, doing cocaine, being drunk and verbally abusive. Help them all forgive him, even the little one whose grades and emotions suffered a lot from it. Help them pray for him and make him provide for his family and acknowledge the pain he caused
Please reveal your all powerful love to them and set them all free. Guide them to church and inspire their worship. Forgive us for our sins and separate us from addictions. Move upon them as your spirit moved upon the face of the waters. We were empty, dark, void, and formless but now we can be full of light, purposeful, and in the image of Christ
I believe for life transforming fall on your face and praise Jesus miracles!!!!!

1) Jesus, remember when she was little and she worshipped you and sang with anointing. She was smart and had so much potential. You were with her when she threw up as a little girl because her Daddy, her hero, yelled at her and destroyed her confidence. You were watching over her when she became pregnant at 17. You kept her and her third baby alive when she almost died. You see the way she and her husband are suffering under bipolar disorder and medication and suicidal behavior. You see how the children are being raised by the internet. Please set her marriage and family in perfect order. Help her still be incredibly smart and full of potential. Bless her voice to be infinitely more beautiful and powerful and anointed than ever. Help her find a career she enjoys and even get her degrees. Guide them to a home church with a great Sunday school and Christian friends who are very responsible parents
2) Father, my other cousin is trying to seek you. She’s going to church several times a week, listening to preaching and gospel music on her phone, and talking about you. Still, she doesn’t seem to understand that we can believe for anything. You know how she was tormented by bullies in middle school. Please forgive her for embracing illness as an escape. Provide money and opportunity to go to graduate school. Please heal her from the long list of illnesses she’s had and help her recognize how to obey and live for you and surround her with people who do the same
3) the youngest one just started at a new high school. she doesn’t know you yet but I trust you will capture her heart soon. Help her survive and thrive in an environment where most kids are vaping, drinking, and getting high on a regular basis. Please bless her with Christian friends at her school and around her new home. Heal her from the trauma her Dad put her through and show her through your spirit how beautiful she is in Christ
4) Lord, please comfort their mother and turn her to you. Forgive her husband for cheating on her with multiple women, doing cocaine, being drunk and verbally abusive. Help them all forgive him, even the little one whose grades and emotions suffered a lot from it. Help them pray for him and make him provide for his family and acknowledge the pain he caused
Please reveal your all powerful love to them and set them all free. Guide them to church and inspire their worship. Forgive us for our sins and separate us from addictions. Move upon them as your spirit moved upon the face of the waters. We were empty, dark, void, and formless but now we can be full of light, purposeful, and in the image of Christ
I believe for life transforming fall on your face and praise Jesus miracles!!!!!