Please pray for my ex-husband who I now care for. He has Hepetitis C which he contacted from a needle stick at work in the medical profession. Also has pre-existing back injury for which he has taken Lortab for several years because he is afraid surgery will only it worse. Not so good for the liver disease or taking for so long for even a healthy person. About 7 months ago he was working 12-16 hrs a day at his place of employment of 30 years. He went to bed fine and woke up the next morning profoundly deaf in both ears. Within less than a month he was relieved of his job and told to "go get disability". After numerous visits to different ear doctors and specialists no one has a clue what happened to cause this. Very sick physically and mentally. Depressed, hopeless, lonely, isolated are only a few adjectives to describe him. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM and me as his caregiver.