God, I urgently need your help in finding work this month. I pray someone will give me a chance to work with them soon. I have the experience and education. I don't want to take anyone’s job from them I believe there’s room for everyone to be blessed and shine I am truly humbled by this experience of job loss since January, and I will appreciate and be grateful for everything more than I ever have before. I have learned not to take anything for granted and that people say and do 2 different things. Please help me find work this month of October/November. I have run out of resources and every bill keeps stacking on. I haven't heard back from any other jobs where I interviewed
please help me be hired by November as my ### and ### and I don't want to be evicted or disconnected. We have nowhere to go. Also, help me with my health issues mainly my kidney disease I need a transplant my ### and ### need me I am too young for this to be my end all I was hoping to grow old with my family and friends and make a family with my special person please be my light at the end of the tunnel. Put the right people in my path so I can start working this month. Please
thank you ### 

