I have an urgent reguest for my 9 year old nephew Tyler. Around the holidays 2010 he became sick with what the dr said was just a respiratory infection. It started around Thanksgiving and lingered through Christmas break. One morning he woke up and the left side of his face was droopy. My brother Mark and sis in law Mindy decided to get a second opinion. The dr immediately admitted Tyler to ICU with what he calle Encephilitis (swelling of the brain). After 2 weeks in the ICU Tyler was sent home. After he got home his symptoms reappeared and slowly became worse, affecting his entire left side. Tyler was unable to bear any weight on his left side. At this point he was sent to Vanderbilt Hosp in Nashville. There they diagnosed Tyler with an inoperable tumor in his brain stem. He was then referred to St Jude Hosp in Memphis. There my brother Mark and his wife Mindy were told that without chemo Tyler had 9 months to live and with chemo he only had about 12 months to live. Well Tyler went through 7 weeks of treatment at St Jude. He has been home about 2 weeks and has had complication after complication. He has been admitted to the local hospital ICU and has been given lots of blood due to low blood counts and very low white blood count. He cant eat or have bowel movements so tubes have been placed in his little body to help with those things. Chemo has been stopped because they say his body can not handle it any longer. I am asking for any and all prayer warriors to help me pray for my nephew to be totally restored to perfect health. Also I am asking for prayer for my brother Mark and his wife Mindy to receive peace, strength, and faith. Thanks and God Bless!