Disciple of Prayer
I pray to our father that my life experienced here. I have I hope been your servant lord but every day I am learning.i do not believe I am a self centered person but I have goals in life that I would like to work towards.i would always be yours lord as I have e given my life to you since I was quite young during my twenties. I now have children and I still feel to try to keep to the way that you have given us to be.an open heart communication honesty and love.lord I hope to also find these things in life.lors I pray that my person al.relationshios can be improved that we can work towards some resolution with conflict in some.of our lives. Lord I know that you seen what I have been through and that I am so very grateful for my family and my friends lord I am thankful for Mary and my friend p.im.thankfulmfoe my cousin's far away for my two aunties lord I pray for them lord I would.lobe to see.my family again on my father's side. I know that this is difficult for my mother.lord help her in her struggles with herself and her struggles that she has in daily life.as well lord help.me to mend and build something real.id she wants it.but lord I appreciate my daughter and I hope that one day we can talk again and be there for each other . Lord you know what is in my heart you know our situation you know my devotion to try to follow in your guidance and to put through on practice what you describe as a good way to live.life whilst we are here. Lord I am thankful for the life and time that we have had thank you for helping me through some medical times.it was and has been very scary and go feel sad to fight this sometimes what I feel.is alone lord I know that you care for all of us. Lord please do help is to live each day in grace and fey to deepen our understanding as a family as to what you would like for us lord help.me to keep on trying to do the work somewhat our families my family does not fall apart I am your servant and I am hopeful of yoir guidance amd uoir care over oir lives. Lord help me with my daughter and my immediate family lord I have to say thank you thank you for this weekend and this week lord thank you for your sacrifice. I appreciate and feel such a hardship in myself that I am.sreufflinb with forgiving someone hurting me that was has been so close to me.lord help us to do the work required and not to feel like we don't have to not talk to each other or make any effort other than the bare minimum.loed Jesus is our guiding light and what has happened because he lived and came to this world to help change the hearts of many. Lord forgive me for my own sins.lors I know that I am not perfect and help me to heal and to keep going lord rhanky oi for my children thank you for their lives.loed I pray for them.both.i know that you hear my prayers and I know that you will guide us me on my oath amd help.me to find acceptance in this world as well.as be useful and to be abke to give bacm go others lord help.me to provide foe my children. Your humble servant .hyh