Please pray for God's provision for our finances. We have lost alot of money due to my husband's retirement and it is really causing a big problem in our marriage, and I admit, I am quite fed up with him. He will not work outside the home. He gets side jobs, but he throws a fit when I ask him to give me money towards our budget, and it's bad because his retirement income is not enough to cover our bills, and that comes out of the money I have left in savings, and my savings keeps running lower and lower and before long it will be gone. I have been looking for a job outside of the home with no prospects. I have alot of health problems and I have tried to get disabilitly three times and have been rejected. I have an Ebay business and it brings in very little and I have become a content creator, but a glitch in that has caused me to have to start from scratch. We have also had some issues with our daughter for the last five years, as she has been estranged from us, it is some better but not perfect. I almost feel like God just doesn't want to answer my prayers anymore.