We would like to request prayer for healing, in all areas, of our lives, and for others, as well. Prayer, that my daughter finds an affordable home. The Lord knows, it all, he searches the heart. I pray to the Lord, to help us through these troubled times, and he sees us through. Pray they do the same. I can only do so much, as far as help, some family members will take advantage, of you. We're trying to be successful homeowners, and we can't afford to let family, and their problems, or what they think, get in our way. We are so thankful, my husband's CT scan, has been done, and the reports, I call myself reading, are better than what we thought, we prayed, for this. 7/31/2024, the Doctor's visit. Thank You, Jesus! Prayed for my results, to be good, also, my Dr.'s visit is in 8/2024. We're trusting in the Lord, for everything. And we know, it can't go wrong. Thank You For Your Prayers
Thank You For Your Prayers
Thank You For Your Prayers