Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God please I forgive and forget all of our sins and heal and redeem and cleanse us and off ### help us who wants to lose or gain weight loser games like help us get to the perfect maximum of weight and I pray that any demonicle evil spirit that's trying to separate anybody including me for my friends or family any evil democ spirit that is trying to give us evil and unpeaceful sad depressing wicked dreams I pray that you're in those dreams or anybody in the name of Jesus end the dream today and anybody Lord that is in the situation of being the hunger the poor the sick the weary the homeless the helpless whatever you want to call them I pray that you will give them benefits in bless them in the name of the Lord Jesus anybody that needs your favor 

and your help as well pray I pray that your help them in every aspect and break in in every area in need that did me up with if they're cool evil disbelieving don't care about others don't care what they do and stuff teach them to not do all that in that day won't be discipline if they keep it up in that day will be judged by you on judgment Day but if anybody out there is somewhat evil thoughts and stuff like oh I hate him or I can stand him or any kind of mean thought against another kind that you towards to love one another not to hate on one little I pray you'll kill the thoughts in those people get rid of those thoughts but also save those people have such people to change and make a difference and come to repentance and forgiveness things everybody that needs help there's people out there that need you that do wicked things there's people out there that suffering with hunger feed them help them help them to change and all not all these people are in need of you they need your money help they need the King of Kings the Lord of lords to protect and to save them and to heal them and to redeem them and to cleanse them please Lord help everyone and everyone that is going to do it the hard time with the parent or some kind of feeling member things to Heart get the family members to ask for forgiveness from each other and to move on from their bad situation have them just listen to wow big problems I can't eat family or even my family they can touch my family said oh I have a hard time with her I have a hard time I pray that those hard times were in I pray that you're in those hard times bring all the things back together at the family like bring them as a family and kill and get rid of and born in Destory delete and demolish disappear every arrow and anything that the devil is is trying to throw at one of us to get rid of it today delete it today end it today with a wicked I know you said there will be trials but get the evil one's plans to end today and I pray for good peace joy happiness freedom Free Will goodness and all greatness and stuff to come to everyone and I pray that the sick and the Very will be here I pray that anybody who is suffering with heart attacks cancer or any kind of bad things will be healed and I pray your free them from all that and I pray that you are restore renew and and upgrade in update any thing that anybody needs to be like if anybody else has an Ancestry or has a Facebook help them our father who are in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it's in heaven give give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who's trespassed against that lead us not into temptation but deliver Us from evil or thy is Kingdom thy is the power and the honor the glory forever and ever amen and Jesus name amen