Laurose extract - from the 'Cancer Bush' - has shown success against a broad spectrum of cancers - Cancer Tutor Shalom/peace brethren this might help them. It's a natural remedy a herb from South AFrica already reported to be of help in some cancer cases. This is the link to the whole article in case the Holy Spirit leads you to investigate further. And here is an extract from the article.
To paraphrase a department head at noted cancer research facility M. D. Anderson (famous cancer treatment hospital in Houston, Texas):
“We don't know yet exactly how it works, we just know that it does work, attacking and killing bad cells — and only bad cells — and stopping their multiplication.”
Laurose extract has shown remarkable success against a very broad range of cancers, including lung, liver, leukemia, breast, brain, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and more. Laurose has been found to either eliminate or greatly alleviate the side effects of chemo when used in conjunction with chemo. However, unlike chemo, Laurose does not cause lethargy but instead usually boosts a person's energy level.
Studies seem to provide yet another important piece of evidence in understanding why Laurose has proven to be successful against a great many forms of cancer. In previous studies, Laurose extracts have been shown to:
- Inhibit angiogenesis, the process where cancer produces blood vessels and spreads;
- Inhibit the NF-kB factor in cancer cells, which is the process that cells use to protect themselves when they come under attack;
- Induce apoptosis, or normal cell death, in cancer cells;
- Greatly stimulate immune activity and cross the blood-brain-barrier in cases of brain cancer.