Beloved of All
Hello! Praise the Lord. My boyfriend has been living alone for the past year due to family issues. Due to this, he couldn't do a college degree that he wanted to, he had to do a free degree that costed nothing, which he was not wholeheartedly interested in and a job is not guaranteed with it. He said he is thinking to quit college and find a job to run his expenses and study coding online. He won't get a very amazing job since he is only 19 and only jobs he could potentially get is store watch or loading things etc. I would like you all to pray for God to guide him through the right path. If quitting college is the right thing to do, please show him a sign God. Please pray for him to find a decent job if he quits college. I do not want to see him being in pain anymore. Please pray for him to do the online coding study. God, I beg you to remove all his difficulties and help him find a decent job to run his expenses. God I also pray for you to bring a plan towards us so that we can be together. We are long distance right now and it pains me a lot. I beg you all to pray for my boyfriend. I wouldn't care if I went through hard times but it hurts me to see him going through hard times. Everyone around him is betraying him God. He has done nothing but his best to all his friends and loved ones. I do not know why everyone is backstabbing him. Please pray and guide him through the right path. AMEN.