Praying for my Children to be saved from the generational trauma that addiction has passed down to anyone suffering from it. Praying to God and calling on all earth Angels who are involved to protect my children from the adverse childhood effects of divorce and addiction in our home. Praying to the holy Spirit, asking for him to treat my husband and I clinically and use improved methods such as drug courts to heal him, not punish. I call on Arc Angel Metatron and ask for protection over my children from the adverse childhood effects. I call on all who have walked with addiction in their bloodline to solve this issue with a humane perspective. Lord please see all sides of generational trauma that we honor and vow to fight in with compassion—past, present, and future. I pray for support and ask that the Holy Spirit stops addiction in its tracks. White Hats—above all else, do no harm. Look deeper at what this case means to our community and heal us from addiction for our Children. Lord hear my prayer, breaking the patterns of addiction takes a village. I call on our village to heal our family from Addiction and break the cycle for our children. In Jesus name, AMEN