It is very important to remember to pray for ourselves. Seeking the direction of the Lord in our lives should be our primary prayer. Everything else will revolve around this. Focusing on what believers should be praying for in our individual lives, and ready to receive them when we do. These ‘things’ will include seeking increased faith, trust, patience, humility, love, forgiveness, victory over temptation, etc. Of all these, love is the most important. ”Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like this: ‘Love you neighbor as yourself.’ All the law of the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40). The Lord will hear these prayers and answer them because they are according to His Will. But He will not just 'hand' them out. He will take us down the path to develop them, which will encompass teaching, trials, and tests. And these can be very hard. But this is what changes us permanently. For example, if we ask the Lord for patience, we may find ourselves suddenly around people and situations that require us to wait on what we are asking or in need from them. Or, more importantly waiting on prayers not answered yet. Waiting on His time frame, not ours. This is His Will that we seek these things. So we may be conform to His Likeness. “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the Image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” (Romans 8:29). And if this is His Will, should we not be seeking it? We are being formed into the image of the Father, because Jesus is the image of God. “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” (Colossians 1:15). God wants us to be conformed to His likeness. He will work in our lives to this end. “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6).
If we grow in these ways, our prayer life for others will also change. Praying for others requests of the Lord with love, hope, trusting is His Word, patience, and when necessary forgiveness. Not judging others prayers for what and how we think they should be asking prayer for. Humbling ourselves before each other. Understanding that we were also at one time in error, and even out of God’s will in what we were asking of Him. Our Lord did not turn His back on us but forgave us, guided us, instructed us, loved us…saved us. And if we are called upon by Him, in His Word, to instruct, do so with love. Love. That is the foundation on how we interact with each other. Love is just one word. The opposite of love is many words: Hate, envy, pride, self-righteousness, strife, are just a few. Some so subtle we may never even notice them in ourselves. Our Father who loves us, gave us a free will, free to choose for ourselves. Therefore it is our choice on whether to seek these things of Him or not. And if we do seek these things, be ready in all trust and faith to be led through the fires that refine us.
If we grow in these ways, our prayer life for others will also change. Praying for others requests of the Lord with love, hope, trusting is His Word, patience, and when necessary forgiveness. Not judging others prayers for what and how we think they should be asking prayer for. Humbling ourselves before each other. Understanding that we were also at one time in error, and even out of God’s will in what we were asking of Him. Our Lord did not turn His back on us but forgave us, guided us, instructed us, loved us…saved us. And if we are called upon by Him, in His Word, to instruct, do so with love. Love. That is the foundation on how we interact with each other. Love is just one word. The opposite of love is many words: Hate, envy, pride, self-righteousness, strife, are just a few. Some so subtle we may never even notice them in ourselves. Our Father who loves us, gave us a free will, free to choose for ourselves. Therefore it is our choice on whether to seek these things of Him or not. And if we do seek these things, be ready in all trust and faith to be led through the fires that refine us.