The Woman
Prayer Warrior
I’M NOT THIRSTY ENOUGH! I don’t have nor show a strong desire for JOY, OR HAPPINESS? In Isaiah 55: It says: Every one that thirst, come to the waters; The brain is made up of approximately 80% water, and is one of the organs in the body with the highest water content. Jesus is telling us to go WITHIN OUR OWN MIND! When we are not satisfied! He says: he that have no money; COME, BUY, GOD WANTS TO EXCHANGE OUR THOUGHTS TO HIS THOUGHTS. To BUY is an act of giving one thing and receiving another! Come buy and EAT. HE WANTS US TO CONSUME “HIS THOUGHTS! Yes come buy wine and milk WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE. He wants us to exchange our negative thoughts with CHEERFUL THOUGHTS and be rich in GOD THOUGHTS which are fat with protein! The word MONEY is something that is between or in the middle. (OUR THOUGHTS) He’s asking; Why do you spend money for that which is NOT BREAD? BREAD MEANS FOOD AND SPEND MEANS GIVE. So why do you GIVE THOUGHTS for that which is NOT FOOD? OUR THOUGHTS SHOULD BE FEEDING US NOT DISCOURAGING US? So; Why do we GIVE our THOUGHTS and our labour for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat that which is good, and LET YOUR SOUL DELIGHT ITSELF in fatness. HOW? By INCLINING YOUR EAR, COME UNTO ME: HEAR, and your soul shall live; and I will MAKE an everlasting covenant with you, even sure mercies. Behold, (SEE) YOU SHALL CALL A NATION THAT “YOU KNOW NOT” AND NATIONS THAT KNEW “NOT YOU” SHALL RUN UNTO YOU because of the Lord YOUR God, and for the Holy One of Israel; (YOU) he have glorified you. So SEEK the Lord WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND, CALL UPON HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR: Let the wicked (THOUGHTS) forsake his way, AND THE “UNRIGHTEOUS MAN” “HIS” “THOUGHTS”: and LET HIM “RETURN UNTO THE LORD”, (IN HIS MIND/THOUGHTS) and he will have mercy UPON HIM ; (Have mercy upon our minds) and OUR God, he will abundantly pardon. We MUST CHARGE OUR THOUGHTS! GOD SAID my thoughts are not your thoughts, which is why our ways ARE NOT HIS WAYS. Saith the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, (SO SHOULD OUR THOUGHTS BE) My ways are higher than your ways, (OUR THOUGHTS MUST THINK BIGGER DREAMS) God THOUGHTS are higher than our thoughts! As the rain come down, and the snow from heaven, (SO DOES THOUGHTS) and RETURNS NOT thither, BUT WATER the earth, began to make your thoughts water your mind! (GOD THOUGHTS DO NOT THINK OF WORRY, DOUBT, OR FEARFUL THINGS!) BEGAN TO MAKE POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND bring forth and bud, (GOD THOUGHTS CONTINUE SENDING NEW IDEAS; GREAT IDEAS) HIS THOUGHTS GIVE SEED to the sower, and bread to the eater: HIS WORD goes forth out of his mouth: HIS MOUTH IS HIS MIND! HE UTTERS AND SPEAKS THERE! (WHEN WE HAVE GREAT THOUGHTS it shall not return void, BUT IT SHALL ACCOMPLISH that which we please, AND IT SHALL PROSPER in the thing whereto we sent it. THEN WE SHALL GO OUT WITH JOY, AND BE LEAD FORTH WITH PEACE: THEN mountains and the hills shall break forth before us into singing, (MOUNTAINS mean constancy, eternity, firmness, and stillness) and HILLS mean strategic advantage, foresight, and safety) and all the trees (PEOPLE) of the field (In Earth) shall clap their hands. INSTEAD OF THE THORN (Thoughts that repeatedly come to annoy us and causes problems) Instead of the thorn shall come up the FIR TREE, WE SHALL HAVE RENEWAL, Strength, Beauty, and Sustainability! and instead of THE BRIER (Bothersome Troubles) Instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: (Love, Romance, and Devotion) and YOU shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign THAT SHALL NOT BE CUT OFF! AMEN! Thank you JESUS! Hallelujah Thank you for my answered prayer!
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