Servant of All
It's been a real fight since I was child with all the rock and roll and Hollywood's witchy , sorcery ect. I have had a few run ins with witch's and my step mother was a witch or something. I know there is curses on my family from her and there are more than 7 witch covens in the small town near by where I live so lots more now in the town where I live where there is more population and I am sure many more in the larger cities, It is well known that celebrities and world famous people use sorcery and sigil magic to bewitch society and some satanic spells to sell their records ect,. I am asking you pray with me that the spells of these witches in our country and the communities where we live, I live in Albany ,Oregon , I am asking you pray that the spells in my state and in your states be broken, that all the magic spells and symbols that seduce and give place to satan on pictures in art we don't know about, in lyrics, in screen plays, all the sorcery be dissolved and God will break their chains and their spells against us and the world be dissolved , will be broken and ineffective against us, In Jesus Name that all the curses they place on us and society will be lifted and cast down into the abyss that all the problems they have caused God will place a protective hedge around us and the rest of the world so that they cannot cast these spells so that God will shield us from all their attacks and their sorcery will have no power over us or the rest of the world in Jesus Name God believing you will hear and answer my prayer I pray that you will undo all their witch works and all their works of magic that the seduction will be cast down and we will all live free from their curse and their spell upon us In Jesus Name Father hear my prayer