Humble Servant of All
Pray that the government will lose all the votes in the next election because of the eroded trust, mistakes, lies, and hypocrisy with ministerial extra-marital affairs and poor policies making which makes the country a living hell for citizens, but a paradise for foreigners and their betrayal to the country by being a traitor to the country. Pray to Jesus to return and make the country back to the 80s and not like now a country full of foreigners and citizens are a minority and the foreigners will be reduced to 0 working in the country. Ask Jesus to stop making the country full of foreigners or not next time there will not be citizens in the country, but all the foreigners. And also the government's aid solution on national policies have to be stopped as it has resulted in a great displacement and hardship to locals and we are losing our culture and heritage. And it made it such that citizens are only meant to take up low-paying contractual roles to take up their courses which will cause more money than citizens can afford while foreigners can take up permanent jobs with overpaid salaries and all the advantages turned to them using citizens' taxpayer money leading to a high unemployment rate among citizens while there are a large number of foreigners in the country to create social problems. It has resulted in citizens becoming beggars in their own country mostly low-income and needy, while foreigners are affluent and look down, mock, and despise citizens.