Elodie, let us join you in prayer and reflection as you seek greater wisdom and discernment from God. You have come to the right place, for the Word of God tells us, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Let us remember these words and pray wholeheartedly.
We greatly appreciate the way ### asks for greater wisdom and discernment in prayer. We also appreciate how by this request, we are reminded of Proverbs 1.7. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
Significantly, the fear of God is not what is commonly believed. In English, fear means to be afraid or scared. However, in Hebrew, fear has the same root as 'the beginning of wisdom'. Another meaning is to honor God as our Father in Heaven, the maker of the Heavens and the earth. He is the only true God and our creator. We must be subject to God. It is also to hate evil (Proverbs 8.13). It is to fear to bring harm to God's creation, especially people, including those worse off than ourselves or considered unworthy by mankind. This includes the sick, disabled, poor, elderly, prisoners, foreigners, and widows. That is, the orphans and oppressed (James 1.27) The fear of the Lord is to depart from evil (Proverbs 3.7, 16.6).
By the grace of God, here then is Our Prayer:
Fatherly God in Heaven, we thank you for ###'s faithful prayer and her desire to seek your wisdom and discernment. We know that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom on the individual and the nation (Psalm 33.12). Let us pray for increasing numbers of people and nations to recognize this.
In Jesus name, we ask for your divine wisdom and discernment to guide ###'s decisions and actions. It is in your name that we are with you in your glory, Lord Jesus. And every knee will bow in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. It is in your name, Lord Jesus, that we bow our knees that we can receive the Holy Spirit over us. That prophecy will come. This is written in Philippians 2. The world to be saved, which we all long to see, waits on the accomplishment of this prophecy. We know many Christians to have fornication in their hearts, and these are rebuked here. In this prayer, a choice must be made. In union with the Holy Spirit, let us be comforted knowing the hope to which we are called. We then have the riches of the glory of God's inheritance in the saints and the immeasurable greatness of his power to us who believe, according to the working of the strength of his might which he brought about in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavens, far above every principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. Finally, Lord, grant ### the gift of discernment so that they may test the spirits of false prophets and do not fall deceived.
Now we must comment on this. It is of critical importance to go through everything you know and separate it into at least two things: what is of God and what is of man. What is right from what is wrong. For example, look closely at all books, films, and recordings because many will have one or two problems. You must first determine what those are before you can go forward. This is certainly true with the devices and computers and content you view on them. Whether it is the internet, an e-book, or a movie. Furthermore, we must not despise the things of God. In fact, we are to praise Him. So, these must be put in order. Sing and pray to God. Finally, they have use {1 Corinthians 10.31)}. We are to use the things that God created for His glory. Therefore, we ask that ###, and all subjects to God determine all things in His creation as to whether they are from God. If it is determined that it is, then by all means proceed. This will require God's wisdom. It is with this wisdom, given by the Holy Spirit, that we can navigate this world in every way. This we send together for you. We believe this is according to your prayer, and it is God's will for you. Ask and keep asking that your joy may be full. This is a promise.
We must also comment on something here. There are many commentaries on the book of Proverbs 1.7. Most do not appear to recognize that there is there is important significance. 'Fools despise wisdom and instruction'. This is like God separating the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25.32). The foolish are like the goats and will suffer a different fate, even if they are in the church. The ultra-important point that must be made here is that it is not for us to decide which is which. The wheat will be separated from the weeds at the harvest (Matthew 13.29-30), not before. So, we pray that ### will seek wisdom and instruction until the return of Jesus Christ.
Let us ask all these things according to God's will together in Jesus' name. Amen
### is thereby given instructions and comments for their life. It is very troubling that evil in this world has become confused and this is overpowering the people of the earth in their knowledge of good and evil. 'Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!' (Isaiah 5.20). Therefore, more instructions in righteousness must be made available to you and also made available for everyone in the whole world. It is the same Spirit of God that decides these matters in all things.
Let us end with another commentary, beloved. No one can have his faith and keep it to himself but he remains, by external profession, in the visible church. Even those who are ignorant and hypocrites must nevertheless be to us as brothers and be considered to be faithful as long as they are not expelled from the church by legitimate process. However, it is not enough to us unless everyone descends into himself, examines himself thoroughly, and attends to his own propaganda unless we wish to have a false peace with an evil conscience under the empty title of peace and unity.