Tiffy Taffy
Humble Servant of All
Praying that God and Jesus will stop posting fake job scams online. People are posting fake jobs online and when we ask if they are hiring they say no. And we look up the job they posted online there is no job. We need a job badly so we can put food on the table and have a roof over our head. And people trying to scam us with fake job scams saying they need help with a payment you keep some and you give me the rest back. That is sick and disgusting it's very horrible. Why do people do things ungodly? Do these scammers care? We all need a job and the last thing we need is scammers scamming us with little money we have it's very wrong. I pray that God and Jesus help the scammers and they stop scamming people that is sick and the scammers don't care Jesus does. I don't care how bad I need money I will never scam or steal from people. Praying that God and Jesus help everyone in the world including scammers in Jesus name Amen