Beloved of All
I got a burnout and got depressed and due to that I eventually lost my job. I am currently unemployed and have been for a year and a half trying to heal myself. I have worked really hard in life, I have a master's degree and a progressive career but struggling to find a job at the moment. I have just applied for 30 new positions and hope that I will get the job that is good for my soul, my health, and my path. I am all about growing mentally, professionally, and helping others. I have had several miscarriages and I have tried to get pregnant for 7 years. I really want to have a family. Due to my past and present struggles I gained a lot of weight and don’t feel healthy and good in my body. One reason for this is I got a condition that causes a lot of physical pain and I also have been sick a lot. I have always tried to be the best person and version of myself and I have always believed that I have been put to this earth to help others. Now I don’t have the strength to be there for others since I am depressed and I am struggling to understand my path. All I ever wanted was to have a child and a good stable career and now I don’t have any of those things. I just hope for stability in life, because when I am better I have the strength to be there for other people. I have not had an easy life since childhood, but I have always found the strength to get up and be strong and build a better life for me and everyone around me. I am truly thankful for everything I have gotten in life so far and I don’t take anything for granted. I am just struggling to understand my path and what I need to do in order to be on the right path.