The Encourager
The Encourager
Let's Pray: God in Jesus name I pray that You will place each faithful member on this prayer site (including myself) in Your hands. God You make great things happen in Your hands. God have Your way in each of our lives. Save, heal, deliver, and make each and every one of us whole in Christ Jesus. Heal us physically, emotionally, and financially. Walk us through our past and do an inner healing and cleansing that is needed in each of our lives. Bless each of us with much wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to live a successful life in Christ Jesus. God do a great work in each of us, through us, and use us for the glory of God. And God please do the same for the writer of this prayer, all those I love, and care about. Bless us all to become all You created each us to be. Thank You Jesus. Thank You God for loving and saving each of us. Thank You. Amen.