Humble Servant
Requesting prayer for all the saints to be built up in the Most Holy Faith to receive help in their time of trouble in God's grace through faith to persevere in the trial in the challenge in the tribulation in the suffering. Asking for the Lord of post to send the letter rain for workers for the Harvest for the canceling of the plans of the enemy for the anointing of the blessing for everyone with faith trust hope confidence in Jesus as their great high priest as their mediator as Savior as their Lord, all the spiritual blessings are in Christ in him yes and amen according to the will of God the Father. We pray for the leaders in the world according to the word of God according to the will of God that we can have peace and live holy righteous lives. Pray for the church to be enriched equipped with agape and enabled in all the fullness of spiritual gifts to build up one another in the pure love in the pure sincerity of true Faith wanting to love and please God and glorify him with our body and our life to teach all the things the Lord Jesus has commanded us one to another that the church would be made Sanctified and holy through the washing of the water of the word and that righteousness would flow like a river that the kingdom would be established in the hearts and through the Agape Love Good Deeds made known and the glory redirected to God the Father through the blessing of the Lord Jesus. We pray God with you glorified in all things receiving glory honor and praise as a free will offering from the redeemed for the riches of his grace have a bounded too many and he dwells in the Praises of his people and we just pray that the Saints would know the width and the breadth and the depth of the love of God and remain in abide in His Holy Spirit where the presence of the Lord is there's fullness of joy. I pray this for the strengthening of the brethren and Jesus mighty holy blessed precious glorious Victorious name amen.