Humble Servant of All
I'm fighting to save my house in court. And my court date is not until next year. Now realizing that so many things could go wrong by then. But realizing too and I cannot change them. Please pray for protection that everything goes well between now and my court date and that God protects me in every possible way. And please pray that I win my case. I have not slept well since this entire thing started. Please pray that I get to keep what it took me 14 years to build. That I am protected from people who want to take it away. That I am protected from people who want to make false claims and hurt me. Please pray for improved health so that I can get through this. This entire situation has been beyond stressful. Please stay with me My Lord, on this treacherous road I’m in. There are thorns everywhere and in everything. Even what seems to be innocent and helpful. I cannot navigate this without you. I cannot get anywhere without you. You took care of me when my husband passed and I was left alone with my kids. You protected me when his family wanted to take away what I had to support my kids and take my kids away to get access to what I own just because I’m disabled. You gave me a home when I didn’t expect to have one. And a way to support myself and my kids. Please don’t abandon me now. I’m beyond worried and afraid. Please shield me from anything that could hurt my kids and me and take away my ability to support them. Please make this an easy and positive outcome. In the name of Jesus I pray.