Disciple of Prayer
My husband received a job offer contingent on his passing a licensing exam. I am 8 months pregnant. I have no leave with my job as I just started with them a couple months ago. I haven’t even told them I’m pregnant, it’s remote so they don’t have any way of knowing. My boss just went on a long rant today about how too many people are on leave and if affecting business and as long as nobody else goes out on leave they should be okay. so I definitely can’t tell her now. If my husband passes this test, he will immediately make enough to pay all of our bills for the time being. If he doesn’t, and I can’t work… we can’t afford to miss even one paycheck. Our house will be foreclosed on, and cars repossessed… with a newborn. It would ruin us. I don’t know where we’d live. He has a lot of issues with mild addiction, anxiety, procrastination, he endured a lot of physical abuse as a child. He procrastinated until the last possible minute to take this test due to his issues. He failed the first try several months ago. His student loan payments are due, and we can’t afford them. The way we’d be able to afford them is him passing this test and working at his new job. I’ve cut back on food we’d usually buy, I am skipping prenatal vitamins because we simply can’t afford them. We don’t qualify for any assistance with any entity because we make too much. He started up another class in the hope of deferring the loan payments until he passes this test and starts that new job. The loan has a variable interest rate so the amount keeps changing. We constantly nonstop have surprise bills we cannot afford. Our homeowners decided this year, we have to paint our house, our loan company for the car didn’t get the right paperwork, so they charged us several thousand dollars for an insurance policy and added it to the monthly bill, my husband needed dental work, the delivery is going to cost thousands we don’t have, our insurance messed up their billing and charged us twice the amount owed and then refused to return it saying they’ll apply it to next month instead, our power bill tripled because of the heat, and the licensing paperwork is going to cost almost a thousand dollars all in, our car and home insurance was up for renewal and almost doubled, and we’re supposed to move while I’m almost 9 months pregnant after he gets this job if he passes…This is getting serious. I am so scared! He has been studying, but I’m so scared what will happen if he doesn’t pass this time. I genuinely am out of ideas and I’m not sure I have the strength or energy to get myself out of this hole if he doesn’t. We have so much debt just trying to survive. I’m am beyond exhausted, I’m trying to get overtime or a second job… I feel this tiny baby kick every day- I am terrified I can’t say that enough. The stress I have had the last several months. If he doesn’t pass, I don’t know what we’re going to do. He kept saying he was going to take his test, so I didn’t plan for anything else. It’s too late now. I really just need prayer that he passes this test, everything rests on this test. Pray he passes, pray he gets the job and everything turns out okay. Pray everything turns out okay with my job as well. Pray people come back from leave, pray the constant financial surprise bills stop. Pray his addictions stop. Pray everything turns out okay and he passes on Monday. Pray my anxiety about this subsides so I can get some rest. Thank you so much for reading all that, I’m sorry it was so long.