Disciple of Prayer
Please pray that God will give me peace of mind and he will heal my body and he will make me feel healthy as I should feel. I pray that he will heal any broken parts of my family that he keeps and continues to heal and I'll give him all the praise in his Jesus name the relationship I have with my sons and the healing and love and forgiveness and compassion we have for one another I pray that he would continue to heal my love life I pray for my mate I pray for his family I pray for his dad because he's close to being ready to meet God I pray that his father has made his peace with God and that he knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is going to meet Jesus and reside with him and heaven I'll pray that God would be with my mate when this does happen because he's never lost anybody that close to him before and I pray that I can be strong and do what I need to do and say what I need to say when that's when that does happen I pray dear God that you would heal my brother's relationship because I love them dearly they're older than me one I was very close to at one time we don't get to see each other a lot the other one we've never really got to know each other since we've grown older not that he's not give me the invitation to come to his home and be with him and his family but I never went and he's invited me several times and I need to except the invitation because we never know how much longer we've got on this Earth and I want my family to know that I love them and I've got their back in any and all situations and that I want them to be ready to make God because the only thing better than personally going to heaven and meeting Jesus is to see all my family up there with me when that time comes I'll just pray that God will continue tell me erase any doubts that the devil tries to put plant in my mind because I know that God is real and I know of his power and I know he saved me from damnation the d devil tries to whisper things in my ear to make me doubt the Lord sometimes and I want to be able to put on the strongest armor of God and smart any devil down. I'll just pray that the Lord will continue to guide my footsteps to be with me everyday and I thank him so much for blessing me with what financial assets he's blessed me with lately and I pray that he will continue to keep on Blessing me so I can get my home in order thank you in Jesus name amen