[SIZE=18pt]All-merciful God, O Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy great love, Thou didst descend and become flesh to save all; again I pray Thee, save them by Thy grace! If Thou shouldst save them on account of their deeds, it would not be a gift but merely a duty; truly, Thou aboundest in graciousness and art inexpressibly merciful. Thou hast said, O my Christ: He who believeth in me shall live and never see death. If faith in Thou savest the desperate, behold, they believe! Save them, for Thou art their God and our Creator. Let their faith stand in place of their deeds, O God, for Thou wilt find no deeds to justify them. Let their faith be sufficient for all. Let it answer for them; let it justify them; let it make them a partaker of Thine eternal glory, that the evil one may not seize them, O Word, and boast that he hath torn them from Thy hand and fold. O Christ our Saviour, save them! Come quickly, make haste, for they perish! Thou art their God from their mother's womb. Grant, O Lord, that they may now love Thee as they once loved sin, and that they may labour unto Thee without laziness as they once laboured unto the Deceiver. Even more will they labour for Thee, my Lord and God Jesus Christ, all the days of their life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.[/SIZE]