Humble Servant of All
paperbacking mom to stop being upset today pray for peace to feel hard play for a doctor to encourage her to get well and get back on her feet prefer to take care of the infection and headaches and cold in her head to get rid of that in Jesus name pray for her doctor trip to go well and then future tripsto go well in Jesus name pray for Lord to not allow any weapon formed against the Hampton home and Jesus medical all deliveries to go well in Jesus name please the Lord to not allow any weapon formed the energy and our future working this year is a grace of God leads her to pray for me surgery go well and her other medical examinations to go well preparation if we get surgery that the Lord will bring him through prior to surgeries testings evaluations and then he will come to the surgery very well and Jesus name pray for Pastor David goes through to some radiation that the Lord will take care of him in Jesus name previous Jill that she doesn't have to stress herself out of worry and that the Lord will keep her and take care of her and her daughter with the illness that the Lord will see her through until they can find a cure in Jesus name pray for this idea life will be fulfilling and strong in Jesus Christ pray for Lord to use her as a witness pray for Jesus work her first work when she gets back to her writing will do so well that the publishers for which she applies but the work will just touch millions of people and draw them to Jesus pray for us more and cheat together again never apart and at his love for her still stand strong and Jesus Christ special her prayer for him special and prayer for JH dent those funds will be sent to her they will count in Jesus name pray for Mr a does in a kind message to the grace of God and baptism the Holy Ghost pray for Lord to not allow anyone performed against that home and the future in Jesus Christ pray for the Lord to not allow anyone performed against Bob ages finances and Becky moms return of her finances will be a change in Jesus Christ pray for victory now so we speak peace now as we speak this afternoon tomorrow Sunday pray for them to get to the greatest church in Bible study as the Lord leads later on this year but the Lord will get them into a good fellowship in Jesus name please play Florida Georgia line and others can give her help give GG help to her and Jesus name amen and amen