pray for healing heart from dep. and divorce. ex got remarried and he was my whole life. i don't want to live anymore and i'm just existing. lost my friends and had to move away. job is not covering financial needs. I don't have any joy, faith is rocky, i am living with someone just bc I hate being alone. I can't move on. I am miserable
Praying for others to love you:
God says to love Him first and then love others.
You are putting too much effort in making someone love you and that will drive them away.
You will live a very disappointing life if your happiness depends on other people.
We are all sinners and self centered because of that.
There are lots of men who will love you the way you are wanting.
God won't force anyone to love someone as that would violate their free will.
Love God first and ask Him to bring the right person for you.
We are all sinners and not perfect.
Because of that we often get into conflicts with others.
God says if two people agree it will be done.
People like taking about themselves. If you keep the conversation
on the other person and what they like they will love you.
Don't try to get your way or prove you are right just be confident
in yourself after all you are God's child and He love you.
Proverbs 17:22 tells us, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Stay happy and your body will begin to heal itself/ Keep anger, fear and frustration out of your thoughts they can cause health problems.