Faithful Servant
It’s almost been a year that we have been praying for my dad’s behaviour to improve towards my mom. He reads the Bible, prays most of the time and yet is the most unhappy, bitter and unforgiving person. I don’t understand why the word is not going into his heart. He is so rude, ungrateful and disrespectful towards my mom and many others. I feel so sad from the life my mom has had to endure. She has been the most loving caring and devoted wife and mother. I really wish God does something to change my dad. He has caused so many problems in the family by his talk and sometimes wrongfully defamed people. His list of grudges are infinite. I really have my hope only on Jesus Christ to heal and deliver him. I feel there is a stronghold that needs to be broken. Please pray for a miracle in Jesus name. Amen 
Summary (due to privacy): Prayer request for a change in behavior and heart for a family member, seeking healing and deliverance through Jesus Christ.

Summary (due to privacy): Prayer request for a change in behavior and heart for a family member, seeking healing and deliverance through Jesus Christ.