Humble Prayer Warrior
We suffered a great pandemic in the last 4 years
We have suffered immensely and killing people from a virus erupted from a species or lab or earth itself.
Many died and we were forced vaccines.
We are also now suffering immensely after lockdown, an existential crisis scattered across all earth in every country.
There seems to be no solution to our existential and loneliness crisis as the result of lockdown.
We lord beg for help to feel free and healthy again for all humans across earth.
Right now there seems to be only way out, killing each other, and a society where everyone is our enemy. We have done your wishes and not harmed anyone. But we are still suffering greatly, we feel existential dread and loneliness no matter where we go
Please lord help us through this we cannot kill each other and we cannot go through a massive societal change unless it is your wish.
Some people claimed predict in a few years there will be no one left to take bodies off the streets ! Help us lord help us we have nowhere to go, no where to turn but to you
If it is your will to wipe people off the planet. It will happen.
We suffered a great pandemic in the last 4 years
We have suffered immensely and killing people from a virus erupted from a species or lab or earth itself.
Many died and we were forced vaccines.
We are also now suffering immensely after lockdown, an existential crisis scattered across all earth in every country.
There seems to be no solution to our existential and loneliness crisis as the result of lockdown.
We lord beg for help to feel free and healthy again for all humans across earth.
Right now there seems to be only way out, killing each other, and a society where everyone is our enemy. We have done your wishes and not harmed anyone. But we are still suffering greatly, we feel existential dread and loneliness no matter where we go
Please lord help us through this we cannot kill each other and we cannot go through a massive societal change unless it is your wish.
Some people claimed predict in a few years there will be no one left to take bodies off the streets ! Help us lord help us we have nowhere to go, no where to turn but to you
If it is your will to wipe people off the planet. It will happen.