Humble Servant of All
Pray for discrimination of Singaporeans to end as the companies favor hiring of foreigners instead of locals. Many locals in Singapore are unemployed despite a lot of resumes they have posted out as the hiring managers are foreigners and tend to favor foreigners. Even if locals are hired, they are given 1-year contracts, after which they need to repeat the cycle with low pay and are often despised because of the PAP white paper and the white paper to boost the population by topping up with foreigners while neglecting locals. Most locals suffer a lot under PAP, especially the fresh graduates, and jobless Singaporeans will have to wait and find jobs for up to 6 months before landing a job as most of the jobs are given to foreigners even if they do not have the skills with high pay permanent positions, leading to Singaporeans having no choice but to live with things down here being pretty expensive (e.g., 2 slices of toast bread for S$8.00). Forcing local women to go for abortion where the fertility rate is already low because they cannot afford to raise the child because foreigners took all the jobs and the government forced those Singaporeans to be interns with no pay. Unfairness and favoritism prevail with the government favoring foreigners and forcing local-born to migrate overseas to accommodate those foreigners. That is how the PAP government is perceived towards Singaporeans, and no one voted for them but they stepped over to let them win in the next election, where citizens wanted them out. And Singaporeans living in poverty while foreigners prosper in Singapore despite having the same skillset. This is due to the Singapore government wanting to look good and sympathize with other countries but neglecting local livelihoods and means of living. The voting is near; pray that they would be voted out.