Beloved of All
prasie reprot: klest ngiht thank you Lord for your helaign touches Prais epreport: i felt the Lord shift jaw in place and teeht. please pray the Lor dheal my broken teeth adn diabetes and all kidnydey diasease. thanky ouLord Jeus Chirst. ia lso gsuffer form storgn fatigue pleas epra iy hav eenergy like neve rbefore same wit ym grandma. Lor dhela her form all diaebtes strep all unclena spirits pelase remove from me my fmialy an dmy husbands life too ( int he Lor dif oyu hav a husbadn for me,confirmt o me and my husbadn who we ar ein Chirst husband and wife and dont let anythign deivede us or tea rus our our love for the Lor dor oen anoth rpaprt. always keep us in your will and remove a fears insecurities anythign that the enemy codl us e to deivne us. do not allow any division or anyhtign to keep me an dmy hubby form the Lord aparat. nothgin no demons nothign nothgin nothign. Lor dremove all ugndoly ahbits thigns peopel form or lives everyhtign unpleaseign to you help us to floow you and giv ehis the strgnth powe to do so. pelas epra ymy grandm ais healed of small boel obsturciton syndorme corss syndorm. Lor dpleas make her bowels sit properly on her hips. pela selp em care for her. pelas eni no quarelign with relative. pelas eodnt el tme relative exhaust me to to t epijnt of bittrness and resnement. pelas ehal my mothe rof aspergery syndrom i pray that all peopel in my fmaiyl be healed restoreled astabliched in the faith and committed followign oof our Lord and Savior te Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor dod everyhitgn to make thi fhappen i also pray htis for all peopel. Lor dguid em wit oyur Hoyl spirit. help me hear oyu rvoice the right tone. etc . please heal me of asperger syndorm when it coems to OYu Lord. please halp me to be wise depart form evil. ehlp me to obey my parent isn all thigns. help me to NOt hate beign a woman help me to embrac ebing a woman and make me into a woman who knwos and oes oyr Will fully confident and trusitgnyou Lord Jeus Chirst. please dleiver me and all my fmaily mmebrs form nstbal einsilin insulin reistance all ucnlean spirits cleans me of all bitterness anger disconentent rage stubborness admn coorna phobia unhygeniy hoem and also vidnictaive spirit. Lord help me to trust oyu evne when i hav eno idea why thigns are goig the wy they are. pelas egiv em dad the best pension ever best bnefits and do all inyourpower to bless my parnete shela my parents restore their marriage if OYu ordained that and do all in your power to hela my grandma. pleas dhela al dentla flehs and all oru flehs pelase hela my da dmeotionally. pleas eLor dhel me to have a relationship wiht you so strogn and unshakable as YOu woudl want. int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirs tthnak you For HIS hoyl blood. pelas ereleas eme into my destiny and do the same for lal my fmaily mmeber.s help us not limit oyu or giv einto temptations. dleiver us form all eivl and temptaitons. pelas ebrign the righ plumber to please fic the drianage issues get the bambus out of the way. giv ehtme immense wisodma dn speka to them with the Hoyl spirit. pelase forgiv emy sisn. guid eme gentl yguid eme like a lamb please im lost seek oyur servant plea eand please dleive rme form y fears burdens and worries. pelas ehal al who need helaing dleiver all peoel form cancer diabetes type 1 dleiver me and my grandma form diabete sisnipiudus. please brign salvationt o al lepoel tongiht dleive ruf form idol worshipping. dleive rme form amterialsm. pleas ebels sheal and strenghtne my grandm ain evry wa.y pelas ebreaht abundnad life into her bowel sgiv her bes tbowel movmennts by you rpower lor dplease dleive rmy dad form homelssness.pelas egiv ell the men the joby oyu wan them to have adn may they be exceleltn protectors and provider sot heir fmailies. please Lor dhelp me actually enjoy th elif eoyu have given me and pleas eprovide mcuh joy for me today and formy hubby int eh Lor dwhoeve rHe is please protect him formt he deivl and do al in your power to brign us otgehter if oyu ar willign. Lord help em to concentrate otn he takss oyu want them to do. pelase hela me hela my mind and dliever all peoel form al ucnlean thoguths please dleiver all peel form all thoguths formt he enemy incluidng suicidal thoguths pleas i pray hti sin thename of the Lor dJe Chirst. pleas egiv elal poepel lov epower and a soudn midn and rest fromt he deivl ine veryway. dlieve rus and destory the works of the deivl in all marriages in all htoguths mind emiotions brians cells environemnt. pelase help me wiht the tasks oyu want em to do. pleas e please hela my moms brian . help me nto cruble Lord. pleas peac ein ym hoem in my life no horrible noises in my hears. pleas meor equiet pleace and clam calm day and please do al iny our power to brign the right plumber to fix the drianage issues. the perfect oen pelas eodn tlet them overcharge and please le tissue sbe permantley fixed. also pleas hela my grandma form drainage issues strngthen and hela her heart. pelae dleivr my mom form unhealthy emotions. pelas hela her emotionally phycisllay mentlal in every way pelas ehelp be positive hopeful itn he lor dand miraoculsy hela her of asperger syndorme if you are willign. teahcme how i cna live peacfulyl with joy int he circumstance is am in. i pra you pelase dleiver my parnets formall evil. pelase do al iny our power for today ot be most blessed dad helaht ymircoulsy filled wiht the joy of the holy spirit drunkw ith the holy spirit. also same iwht B. and V as well. help us ge tin cotadn with V. please giv ehim and his moma dn al lpeoel best nutrtion ebst care best fo everyhitng. pelas elt no oen freeze. ma yall have food clothign shelter and love affeciton attention suport pleas eigv eeveryoen a healthy life and dleiver all poeel form delominc opression for the prais eand glro yof oyur name. pelas ehelp em prepare for plumber help me clena help me to prech gospel of oyur love a and slavaiotn pelas ehOly spirit speka tot he plumebr to to me and all epopel. please help me do diapers.pelse giv em foccus strnghtmotivaiton and dleive rme form all fears and irrational and unclena thoguths. give me oyur mind today Lord and do the same for all peol. int henameo fthe lOrd Je sChirst today and awlays. brignsalvaiton to all and pelas may all peoels needs be met do al iyn oru power to do so. I lfit oyu up in praise may you be glorified today lord Father. thanky ouf ro everyhitng itn henameo fthe lOr dJues CHirs ti ask.