Beloved of All
prasie reprot: i fet healign form the Lord thank you Jesus in mlower rigth side jaw. thank you Lord. pleas epray the Lord forgive ms me of all my sins via his Holy blood. I am sad becuase of health problems. askign God to heal my body of diabetes drying up hih bloos sgugar teeth ealed and for all my fmialy mmebrs to Lor dheal V in every way protec thim form all evil hela him neurlogically dleive rhimf rom unclean spirits and keep him wel cared for and surround himw ith oyur love and hHoly angels. tel HImw e love Him. help us ge tin vcontact. Lor dpelas eurgentl yheal my grandma of bloos pressure sissue sgiv eher excllent blood pressure and heal her dleive rher form all trapped waste gasse infectrions dicharge. comepelltely remove the devils powe roff of her an dout of her foreve irnt henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas ehela her of hihg bloos pressur eblooguar issues possibel blood clots all manner of sickness and disease comepelte forever by th Holy blood of Chirst dlieve rher formt eh caus eof diabeteinsipidus and dleive rher form diabetes strep and alallmy fmaiy. pelase dleive rme ybrother form histmiane intoleranc e depression and possibly asperger syndrome. pelas hela mymoms brian Lor dhela her teeth gums bod ybones give her your salvaiton giv eher healign of all her brian cells so she can rea dothe rpeopel emotions and correctly itneret facial expressions tones an dso we are bale to communciate and have good eye cotnact tue seeign of eahc othe me and my moma nd dleive rher form whatever is preventing her form doing that. same with B if tha tis the case. pelase heal B hela his bod ybrian giv ehim sound mind power an dlove hela himf orm addiciton dleiver himforever form smokign and alchahul. give him good godly chrisitan dfoiends and remove al ungodly influence and eivl doers form his life itn ehnameo fthe Lord Je schirst. pleas eotuhc his teth restor ehis teeht gums boens and may he follow the Lord Jeu sChirs tonly. same with all poeple. pelase Lord restore to me and my fmaiy B and my da dmom and all epoel brother my grandma all that the devil has stoeln seven fodl int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor teahc me how to ocmmunicat ewiht oyu adn see oyu hear oyu and knwo you and love and deovte my life in followign oyu . a ó ipray htis fo rmy hubby form te Lord whoever He is. pelase el tme recognize my hubby as the man whos erib i wa smade out of and for to be his help mate may he always see me as hi rib and brid eof Chirst. Lord giv e me an dmy hubby deivne conenction better than w can ask think or imagine adn at the appointed time make us one flehs join us as husbadn and wif eLord Jeus Chirst to the praise and glor yof oyu rname. Lor di woudl also liek to have excleltn relationshipw ith al peopel peace iwht lal poepel and giv eme an understandign heart Lord wisdom power and dleiver em form all fears incluidng coorna phobia. pelase Lord help me dad in ll he does surroudn himw ith true Hoyl angels. send those poeel who would bless my dad and help himwith pension with everythign. Pelase giv emy dad Hungairna bible if oyu are willing. also Lord help me to understand your Will for my life. yur IWll not mine. help me to walk ti out trusitng oyu wiht lal my heart. Lord i have to admit i have had lot sof dreams of my own but i lay them at your feet. Please tell em what to do in my life. pelas help me hear oyu and pleas help me obey. i pray htis for allpopel. also please save hear and help htose in icu in accidents thos ewho ar eill. pelase do recreativ emiracle isn peoples teeth gums mouth bones adn in my whoel fmialy too. pelase end corona virus. please help me to becoem a woman after oyur hear.t help me to knwo whyt your wil is for my lfie and be coragous fearlessi n fdoign oyur will. thank you Father. pelas eofrigve me and dleiver me form all resent emnt towrads anyone . dleiver m form all bitterness and giv eme love for lal people. thnak you int henameo f the lor dJeus Chirs.t i also ask you to ocmelelte remove every unclean spirit out of me my fmaiyl and dleiver us form all stronghold that rooted in fear inseucrits depression anger and wickedness i prayy this for my huby to whoeevr he is i ask that oyu rveal to me who my husband is Lord whose rib i wasmad eoutr of and to be hI help mate and rveal to HImt ha ti amHIs wife please protctour marriag eunioin form bitterness jelously anger ucnlean spirits and all dmeons int henamoe fthe lor djue sCHrist
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