Beloved of All
Prasie report: thnak yu Lor dof rlal you helaign otuches on my jaws teeth.. please church continue to pry wiht me that The Lord Jesus Christ heals my grandma form all infection from dementia from small bowel obstructoin syndroem heal her heart strenghten heal and uplift her give her a merry heart i plead oyu Holy blood upon her. please heal her neins arteries diahreea problem her eyes delive rher form strep from flehs eaitgn bactria type 1 diabetes if thats the case hihg blood suga rhigh blood pressure. help emnto to fail in cairgn for her. pleas ebe ever pressnrt when i do so. please otuch her and heal her form the root caus eof periodontis disease dleive rher form all unclena spirits and make her whole. dleiver her form britterness and constantly yearign the past help her see the gift that today holys the day that hthte Lord has made. please heal and regnerate all brian cells that need shelaign and if oyu are willign heal her brian . restore her body as oyu inteneded itt o. please help her and me communciate and enjyo eachother socomapany noit jsut like coowroker. please dleive rme forma l rsent ment i hav towards her. please otuch and deliverheer form asperger syndorm e and whatever trauma is beind that. please may oyu Perfect WIl be doni n her life an dbless her with exchllent teeth gums bones merr yheart strong strnght fiaht int he Lord. may she belive int he Lor dsJesu sChrist an dmay sheI would liek to uphold my dad . please heal hi emoitonally physicall ymentally and physically. pleas eblesshim strenthen him and direct him gudie himw ith oyur holy spirit. please may he be a man who logns for oyu Lord an dto truly knwo oyu. please heal himw iht oyu rlove grace compassion and mercy nad teahchim your ways and revel your everlasitgn love to him. please provide for lal his needs best nutrtion best godly friendships. if oyu want to reconciel my parent smarriage do so for your glory and by your Will and accordign to your purpose Lord Jesu Chrhsit. please otuch and heal his midn giv ehim soudn mind a very soudn midn no emoitonal disroders heale dby the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ know HIm truly. thank you Lor dfor heairng my prayer int henameo fthe Lord Jesu s Christ I pray.
pleas eprotec thim and all epoel form accidents calmities sillness adn pelase restore his heart valve make his insulin levels stbale and pleas heal his ears heairng and trauma and please give him livign water excelelnt vision and delive rhimf orm all caus eof dehydration. please do this for all epoele. thnak you Lor dfor oyu helaign jsut now thnak you. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Christ. pleas ebels smy paetns hyscially mentall yfinaancially emotionally giv ehtem merr yheart and smae wiht grandé and my brother give them logn hapy life helaht yna dalso belsse din al they doo. Holy spirit gudie them all my fmaily relatives but also all peole. pelase rmeove coid formt he fac eo fthe eart and hela all those affecte dby it. pleas heal al who have cancer diabetes diabetes insipidus crushe dspriits. pelase dleiver em andmy fmaiyl aform all gnration curses. pelas ehal me and my fmaiyl oru teeht. pelase do al this for my husband if you have one for me. please giv em a powerful strogn secial union between you Lord my husband and I. pelas ehal him in every way physically maentlly and emotionally and may he be free of all ddictions if applicable such as smokign and drugs drignkign and esaily say no to these thigns in wisdomand also say no to all eivl i pray htis for al peoel too. i owuld like a husband who really loes to send itme iwht me and i never feel i am secodn to anyone in his lfie and vice versa in thenameo fthe lOrd Jesus Chirst. please deivnley protectour marriage form all sin and adultery. please go bfore us betwen us on us HOyl spirit and gudie us to bocme one flehs and fulfill YOur purpose Lord. dleiver em and my hubyy form lonliness wiht each others comapny thnaky ou.
Lor di ask that ouy pelas ehal VI likes brian brody teeth emiotns brian communciation tuch him where he needs healign in your name Lord Jesu sChrist i pry oyu surorudn himwith angel sand giv ehim best car eporssibel.t don le tanyoen fial him. thnak yu. in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ.
pleas epray for my fmialy salvaiton brother shelaign of histamine intolerance
pleas eprotec thim and all epoel form accidents calmities sillness adn pelase restore his heart valve make his insulin levels stbale and pleas heal his ears heairng and trauma and please give him livign water excelelnt vision and delive rhimf orm all caus eof dehydration. please do this for all epoele. thnak you Lor dfor oyu helaign jsut now thnak you. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Christ. pleas ebels smy paetns hyscially mentall yfinaancially emotionally giv ehtem merr yheart and smae wiht grandé and my brother give them logn hapy life helaht yna dalso belsse din al they doo. Holy spirit gudie them all my fmaily relatives but also all peole. pelase rmeove coid formt he fac eo fthe eart and hela all those affecte dby it. pleas heal al who have cancer diabetes diabetes insipidus crushe dspriits. pelase dleiver em andmy fmaiyl aform all gnration curses. pelas ehal me and my fmaiyl oru teeht. pelase do al this for my husband if you have one for me. please giv em a powerful strogn secial union between you Lord my husband and I. pelas ehal him in every way physically maentlly and emotionally and may he be free of all ddictions if applicable such as smokign and drugs drignkign and esaily say no to these thigns in wisdomand also say no to all eivl i pray htis for al peoel too. i owuld like a husband who really loes to send itme iwht me and i never feel i am secodn to anyone in his lfie and vice versa in thenameo fthe lOrd Jesus Chirst. please deivnley protectour marriage form all sin and adultery. please go bfore us betwen us on us HOyl spirit and gudie us to bocme one flehs and fulfill YOur purpose Lord. dleiver em and my hubyy form lonliness wiht each others comapny thnaky ou.
Lor di ask that ouy pelas ehal VI likes brian brody teeth emiotns brian communciation tuch him where he needs healign in your name Lord Jesu sChrist i pry oyu surorudn himwith angel sand giv ehim best car eporssibel.t don le tanyoen fial him. thnak yu. in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ.
pleas epray for my fmialy salvaiton brother shelaign of histamine intolerance