Beloved of All
prasie report: thank you Lord for teeth shifitng itno place miracel thank you Lord Jesus Christ. YOu are the Great Physician thank You. PLthank you churhc for oyur prayers. pelase pray for my mom infection ( broken tooth ened helaing sh has been in prian for a few days now pelas epray the Lord Jesus Christ Holy blood cleans her form all infeciton and all illness pelase bpray sh eis heale dof asperger syndorm no miscommunciation between me nd her and also that she feels better emotionally asw ell. pleas epray fo rher slavation . please pray fo rmy grandma needing healign form dmntia infectoin unrinary tract infection in eyes and other pelase take away Lor dall infection bacterial infeciton form all my fmail y memenry. pelas ehal my rbothe rform histmaine intolerance heal my dad Lor dpleas emiraoculsy provide for his needs. elp him get a pension or ahouse to sit pelas open a door Lord of rhim not to behomessless anymore please dleive rhimf ormt he codl send a holy angel to minsiter to him provide him hosuieng Lor id am sorr yi did nto provid ehousign when i coudl have im soory pelse forgiv eme. pelase and i pray ou abundandly belss hela and restore Lorains marriage. pelase tlel ehr him dsory.. pelas ehla hep her an dbelss her. Lor dplease bless my parnets with best health best nutrtion dleiveranc eform all ucnelan spirits and helaign int heir emotions eharts bodies midn giv ehtme ove power and sound mind. please giv em dad excellent ciruclaiton and my grandma dn all peopel. pelase heal the caus eof my dads crampy heal his heart valse. pelase lorod Jeus Chirs tod all iny our power to heal him giv ehim your salvaiton to giv ehim a song and praise to oyu Lor.d pleas emriaoculsy otuch his body an dhla correct cleans ehim hela him by your stipes also my grandma. please hal all my fmaily form every caus eof dehydraiton forgive us our ins and help us repent wheere we ned to. dleive rus form the deivl. ehlp em clena and change diaper sfeed my grandma. giv em extra extra strgnth please ehal my of type 1 diabetes diabetes insipuds . pelase heal V from al illness hela him neurologically. giv ehim love power osudn midn hela my mom developmnt heal my brother neurlogically. Lord pleas ehelp us to be developmentally healed and please dlieve rus form all enurloical diseases in my fmaily. pelas ehal my of hirsutism and the cuase therof. please dleive rme form insulinr esistance and my whole famiyl and all poele. pelae giv eme wisdom always Lord. Please do the same for my parents please dleiver my fmaily form all eivl our home and posesison i pray htis fro all my relatives pelas ehal all illness in fmaiyl by your stripes a. All praise and glroy to YOu Lord. please heal b of al illness hela his teeth and giv ehim your slvaiton guid ehim wiht oyu rholy spirit .pleas hela mymosm teeth ugms all dentla flehs im sorry fo ocntmination g food i hoep not form that pelase remove the root caus eo fthinfection please clear out our infecitona dn do the same for lal poepel who need healign form any tiype of infeciton. please also hela my brother form dyhrdraiton and hela his teeth adn metbolic issues histmaien intolerance and root cause thereof. pelase reotre his oyuth lif ethe eagle yna dhela his body. protec this marriage and may their marriage flourish in love for oyu Lord an doen another and for their fmaiyl and otwards al peoel. Help my siste rin aw to be keeper at hoime help my brothe rget great job oyu want them to do both. please help me and th eman you mad eme for Lord my true husband whose flesh i was made fom may we recognize oen another may we lov oen one another so strognly and may you be the center of our marriage for you jin us and make us one. join us when you WIll Lord. accoridng to oyur WIll. may my ubby form you Lord do the work oyu call him to do. pelase give him wisodm especialyl concernign me and may ma yi have wisodmcocnenrign him. Lord pleas eno ocutnerfeit spouse i lay my husband at your throne .on the alter. you know whos rib i was mad from .. help em become the wife he needs and become the woman i need to be. my we both serve oyu wiht all our hearts a. may oyu protect and giv eus a very strogn emotional physcial conencted as one in every way. make us one.. please giv em and my hubyb best commucniation ever. n o communciation disorder and do not allow satan to distort our view of one another. may we love each other so intimately we read each others htoghts. may he rpotect me provid eof rme may i truly resprect him and may wenever deicve or deprive one another of ove affeciton attention support and however way. pelase protec thmy ubyb form all evil . inclding whenhe is on his phoen at works . protec thim form srtrage woemn who ar enot his wife. but le thim knwo I am onyl aI amHis wife. whoever thi man is ord le thim knwo ilov emy husband alllllll the time::
only the true man chosen by Got to eb my hubby Lord. may bitterness resentment or any unclean spirit never even contmainate eachothe ror our love for one anothe ro our marriage. dieve rus both form and our rresptctive fmailies form all unclean spirits all evil adn guide us into truth. pelase also Lord protec toru futur offspring form lal eivl. pelase also ma ymy mhuby find me most attractiv eowmen hes ever seen adn heard and knows he needs me.vic eversa. Lord please also restore all marriages oyu have ordianed may thei rbe no emoitonal or any type fo disorder in marriages or fmailyies. please restor emy grandma slif ehe rbrian her soul. dleive rhis form the caus eof all illness for oyu rlgory an dby your power and alos for alpoele. pelase dleiver this world from coronvirus please Lord. dleiver me form corona phobia vindictive spirit and aso unhygenic hjome. pelase hela my dad emotionally elp him giv ehimt he emotinal support an dlvoe he needs Lord please giv ehim the right nutrtion and keep him very hydrated. pelase keep him war in his van . pelase dont le thim get frozen. send true chrisitnas ot help him. send for him financial blessing an dhelp. send someoen to help himw iht his pension. do al iny our power everyhitgn necesary so no one is homelss or hungry thrhits or nakes . pelase forgiv emysins. pelase alos protect my brothe rand his fmaily siste rin law and her fmialy form all eivl. help all do oyur WIll Lord please bless and deliver Isreal form war. pelase stop all wars with peacefull agreements. end wa ir ukraine. pelase pelase let the desire for war starve comepeltley. Lord dleiver B form the deire to somoke and drinka nd sin.. may he have strogn lvoe and encounter power wiht the lOrd Jeus Cirst. pleas ebrign oyur slavaiotn to my dad have emrc yand send help to all who need it especiall the poor an dneedy widos pelase alos dotn elt anyone coem to inspect our home... need to clena...pleasepleas pelasepleas eodnt alow my dad ot freeze dleive rhis whoel life form al dmeons. destroy the workof the deivl in my dads lifemosm brothers sister in laws mine my grandma sVilikes. forgivand Bs, and my hubby form the lord. no strogne marriage fo rme no ungdoly marrigae. I ak for a ver yloving protective affecitonate husbadn Lord form your hand sthnak youlOrd. no ocutnerfeits. onyl joined by chirst for his Glorx yby hIs power adn do aliny our power to make this happen as soon as OYU are wiling.d leive rus form whateever iti is tha tis separatign us thank you Lord and pelase cas tout the enmyif the enmy is behind oit or witchcraft or any evil. thnak you int henamof the Lord Jeu sCHirst. pelase deiver me also form witchcraft . expose the ie sof the devil to me and all peopel. i odtn want to be decived ever agian . please odnt allow me to b foolish or decived. ipray this ove rlalpoepel. set us al free form all satnaic bondage generaitonal curses and i pelad your hOly blood upon my lif emy fmailiy's life my hubby form GodS life. on my neighbors ona llw ho i ver laid ye son or hear. please bring OYur salvaiotn to al Lord. help me to do oyu r WIll dn truly make oyu Lor dover my whoel ife. i pray hti sof r my hubby my parents ma neighbrouy all peopel. thnak you Lord Jesus Chirst. YOu aolen are the Lord++

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