Beloved of All
prasie report: i prasie God for all e miracle she doign in my moth. pleas epray the Lord ocmleltes heal my teethd eliver me from all sickness disease blood sugar issues. pleas eheal my moms moth and hela my grandmas moth and my dad. give them new teeth Lor dpelase. pelase remove all sickness disease formt their bodis. pelase Lord remove all sickness and disease form my fmailies bodies. give us livign water please wate rour dry places. please heal all our bodies give us a merry heary heart. thanky ou Lord for oyur Hoyl spirit. pethanky ou for oyur healign touches. thank you for brigning peopel who pray for my family. pelase bless al those praying for me and my fmaiyl forever. pelase dliever my fmaily from sikcness and isease form posverty depression from crushed spirit.s please water the dry area sof oyur lives. i pray htis for lal my fmaily blood lien and all peopel too. please regrow teeth organy cells for al peopel. please dleiver my fmaily form all sadness form all dissapointmnt from sorrow. pelase give us livign water Lord Jeus Christ. please touch us and hela us. dleiver us form fear anxiety povety . please giv emy fmaiyl all a sound mind today no ocd no intrucive thoughts. please remove all unclena spirits form ym family and blood line. pelase heal my grandma. dleiver her form all sickness disease and deformityies. pelas ehal her blood pressure andplease give her excellent bowel movements excellent and strong veins and arteries. please posision her bopwely msucles ets in proper position. pelas help me care for hr. help me to clena house. help me to obey my paretns. dleiver me from stresa and xiety. pelase giv me and my fmialy livign water. all prais eand glroy to OYur name. All Your glory Lord Jeus Christ. i ask you and You aloen to restore our lives your souls and our bodies to health to live and please do recreativ emiracles please give us new tcells.. where teeth is missing new teeth for al ym fmaily mmebers news dental flehs lif ein abuncace. Your are forer prais eand glorified. forgiv eour sisn Lord Jeus Chris tplease wash us clena with your Holy blood and resurect my families back to life. heal us restorue our souls all your Your glory Lord Jeus Christ. all power and all praise to YOu: all power s OYur . pleas ehave emrcy. guide us in the way we shoudl go. give us wisdom and please may we heal form your clearly please remove the enemy out of our thoughts actions deed sintention. Please heal my dad heart valve givign him livign water Lord Jeus Chirs tintervene in hislife and also provide for His needs. mirauclouls intervenen in my fmailiys life and giv eus life in abundance thank OYu Lord Jeus Chirst for YOu are life and you came to giv eus life and life in abuncace. let no unclean spirit slie or deivceve us. let us relal yknwo oyurLord .please deliver all peopel form all unclean spirits and heal the sick ressurect eh dead and give us YOur salvation in every area of oyur lives. please restore our lives. pelas ehlp me care for my grandma. pelase forgiv emy sins. pelas egiv em strenght excelelnt health to care for my fmaily and clena house. please give livign water to my fmaily. pleaseforgiv emy sins. please do the impossibel in my fmaily. regorw teeth new cells organcs heart. otuch your wiht oyur holy spirit Lord Jeus Christ. YOu alone are th ehealer. help us to serve oyu al the day osof our lives. happy is he whose God is the Lord. YOu are the Lord of my lfie and my fmaily. We will behappy for you are our Lord our salvaitonour Help our healer provider our dleiverer. our everlasitng covanant Lord Jeus chris.t please give us the live oyu want us to have and let nto the enemy destory that which is what oyu want to give us lif ein abundance. dotn let the enemy lie to us decive us destory or kil un in anyway. dleive rmy fmaiyl form all satanic powers. YOu deserve all the glory. please dleiver us form ever ymanne rof evil. pelase deliver all peopl form every manner of evil. please dleiver my grnamda form small bowel obstruciton syndorme. please bless my fmaily in however oyu deem fit and remove form us every curse in YOur holy blood i ask in your name i aks this int he namoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs.t int henameo f above al name.s help us to reall y knwo you. Please dleiver me and my fmaily ou t of the hands of the enemy and intot he hands of Christ. this includes our metnal physicial pyscholocal financial nutritonal water relationps our entire lives in the hands of Christ . let tno the deivl lead us astray. pelas ehlp me clena house an dcare for fmaily. pleas eblesshour flood water viitmisn and thanky ouf or al these thigns. thank you for oru hoem thank oyu for everything thanky you for another da.y thank you.