Beloved of All
Prasie reort: praise the Lord: i have recieved muvch helaign form you Lord on my jaw today thank ouy! thnak oyu alos with the clean up. i pray that oyu somehow help me clean up the glass shards.. pelas eprovide best clenaign equipment ever please God. also pleas ehl my mom form asperger snydorme if oyu are willign hela her whoel body mind brian heart teeth gums bones dleiver her form all unclean spirits unclena thoguths. pleas ehal my grandma form dementia bacteirla infections heal her blood bones skin skin wounds scars deformities dleiver her form highblood suagr and high blood pressure dleiver her form small bowel obstruciton syndorme and root cause thereof please dleiver her form calcified arteries. also pelas ehal all fmaiyl memebrs dleiver form calcified arteries. thnak you Lord less case sof corona virus thanks to oyu Lord. Please remove coorna virus and all viruses form this earth please Lord. please dleiver lal poepelf orm cancer dyiabete diabetes insipidus tooth decay periodotisis disease metbaloic acidosis please hela my dads heart valve giv ehim stbale excellent insiulin levels. pelase bless him and my moam dn al poepel wiht lognhelahty sinless life prussing God with their hwoel hearts includins myslef. pelase dlieve rmy brother form histmiane intoelrance nd the root cause therorof help him eat lot sof food heal his organs dleiver him and my da dmom grandma all peopel form dehydration adn deiver my fmaily form generaiton a curses. Please heal vi his pbriana nd neurlogivcally. please giv ehim excellent health brian function same wiht my mom brother me grandma da dna dmyself. and B and all peopel too. pelase hela all peopel who need helaign form asperger yna asperger snydorme. pelase giv emy mom tohe ability to recognize facial expression clearyl and discern tones and same iwht me. please also provide of rme a husband form oyur hands lord Jeus CHirst my bone and flesh in man form . may we recognize each other as husband and wif ein christ and may the Lord sanctify our marriage and join us tobecoem One flehs at the appointed time. Lord help me to love ht elive oyu have given me. please pleas ehlp me to ove the life oyu have given me. Lor doyu know my life. please make it a way for me to love my life. help me to serve oyu . dleive rme form temptaitons. guid eme into al truth allways. pleas erpovide my parnets the healign they need in their minds body emootiosn teeth sines their whoel bodies. or dif oyu want my parents to be one flehs joine din holy matrimony than please do al in your power to heal them and jointhem to be one flesh in marriage again. Lor dif not then le tme knwo what oyur Wll is ocncenrign them please in thenamoe fthe Or djUe sCHirst. Lor dhelp me to care for my grandma and my mom. Lord also deliver us form all pess rats al unclena spirits. pelase pela eplase help with the glass shards problem. please dlieve remf orm calcified arteries and my grandm anutritona l deifciency malabsorption problems. pelas ehla my form severe traume form the past year.s dleive rme form hopelessness. pelase hela my grandma dleive rher form the deivl. make it so she can walk talk speak has excelelnt vasidilation. pelas ehal all wounds on her head an dtoes and other areas. please cleanse her wiht oyur Holy bood and heal her please Lor dmaster KIng of KIngs. please cleans emy parents and their marrige with oyur holy blood. brign oyu r salavation to them to me my grandma to B to all epopel. Lor ddleiver emf orm resentment please. also dleiver emf orm crushe dspirit and dissapoinment. Lor dplease be near to me andmy famiyl . to B to Bรฉ and VI and all poeple. Lor drestore my soul. please restore my mind and foccus and teeth im sorry for my sins. pelase make oyur presnce known to me ym fmaiyl my ubby form the Lor dot lal epopel. save al peopel. protect all peopel espcially my dad form accident death scams evils doers ucnelan spirits all uncleanliness and please restore the years the devil has taken in my ife. makmke my lfie into soemhtign beutiful that glorfies oyu. hela my broken disspointed heart. dleiver em form sadness and lonliness. heal my hubby formt he Lor din every way. be wiht him always strgnthen him heal him giv ehim merry heart and all peopel too. devinley protect my marriage and all amrrages you have ordain estbalished and jiined by your Holy Spirit. Lord please le tme knwo if :::: is my husband form you Lord? Lor di fee aloen far and thnak yu Lord you are stronger than any htigns,. please save all sousl today end wa ri Ukriane bless Isreal. tell my hubby i love him and waiitng for him. help him at work. giv ehime xcelelnt rest. provide of rlal his needs and may he encounter the love of CHirst so personally and powerfully like neve rbefore. please send trilliosnof holy angels to protecthim and my fmiala dn al poepel form all evil and please help me clena huse . pelas ehal me emtnall and emotinally. ehlp me repent. help me find lov ein you Lord. please diever B form alhauslism and smoking ungodl yfriendlss anll evil doers giv ehim wisdom and osun mind and happy helath long life and welthy oto. Lor please giv em yhubby form the Lord compellete dleivernace form all unogdly habit sunclena spirits ungdly friendsy. take away all thigns that prevent him form knowing CHirst . please also take away thed evil witschcraft out of my life my ubbys life all lives forever in the name of the Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor giv emwisodm and forgivness . please giv em the strgnth to clena feed and fully presnet wiht those who need me. please guid eme into all truth ocncenrign all thigns. pelas ehlp me love you know who. pleas ehla her an dbrign helaign to all area of her life. please dleive rher and bme form btiterness resentment and all unclean spirts. help us keep this home and giv eus wisdom strgnth speed cognitive ability ot kland MOtivation to keep this Hom, your hOme Lord. keep it form al filthiness. ord dleive rme form depresison and dleiver all my fmialy form depression. dleiver lalpeopel form depression and unclean thoguths. heal all those who need helaign form cancer diabete diabete sinsipidus. also pelas ehal my mind heart my lfie and smae iwht my grandm adn myom. pleas ebelss my family please giv em ears and heart to see and hear oyur voice. help me repent please hela me mentlal yphysiclala nd emotionaly. pleas eprotect me form the deivl and form overwork Lord. please deive rme form coorna phobia. and clenaing problems unworthiness and also help me get laogn wiht my moma dn pleas ebring peace prospertity love in my hoem and my hubby. brign me my hubby form your heart an dhands Lord Jeus Chirst. whoever He is protec thimf rom strange women. may my true husband form Gos only have desire for me as his woman. may he always be lovin protectiv ekind and very wise concenring me. God bless him mentally physicall emotinally adn wiht wisdom in every area of his lfie. i pray htis for all epopel too. pleas eLor dalso heal those who have glaucoma hela my soul hela my of type eon ediabetes. help me understan dhwy i have this and pelas ehal all who have lyme disease and chroionic illness autism. heal please Lord wiht the power of oyur hOy spirit. allprais eglory and Honour goes too you. I plead your holy blood upn this prayer upon all ont his site upon all epoel. please guide me itno all truth. pelase touch my grandma dn heal her todayotuch her and heal her whole body. and mymom too and da dand brother and B and all peoel in hpsitaly an V and Bรฉheart may his heart work properly. pleae dleive rme y dad miracululs yout of homelessness keep him warm and safe send trillions of holy andgels to minster tohim adn and help him get he best pension ever ver. pelas ebrign oyur salvaiton and healign into his heart his mind and eotions. pelas hela mymosm rbian Lord. please hela our rleaitonship. send us the helpw ith need. giv emy dad housing safe ffrodabel and exelelnt protec tu form coivd