Beloved of All
Praise to oyu Lord Jeus Chris tprais ereport: thank you for helaignme thank you Lor dof rhelaign my jaw posiiton teethposition for giivng me sttenght. i praise YOu forever thnak you. thnaky ou churhc for your prayers. pelas econtinue to keep my fmaily and my hubby formt eh Lord ( whoever He is in your prayers.pelas epray the Lor dprotect sus form evil helps us do His WIll only and that w hve HIs peace and provision and pelas epray for my grandma who has been bedridden for years nee dhelaign from dementis infeciton and totoal helaign in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas epra yfo rmy da dhw oi homeles.pelase pray God provides a hoem for him and a pension andhelaign emotionally physiclaly mentlly. also mymom too physcial mentla emotional helaign and soudn midn .Lor dhelp me go to the post office coop egt what i need for my fmaiyl igiv eme wisdom and protec tme form comign and goign pelas ehelp em call phyarmacy for diapers. pelase bless the woman who delivers us wiht diapers. pelas ehal belss her and also slavaitonto her her fmaiyl. Lor dpleas brign slavaiton to my fmaily my ubby his fmaily.pelas eprotec tmy hubby form eivla nd eivl doers and ungodly habit sna dinfluenc egiv ehim merr yheart sound mind and perfect brian funciton organ dfunction.Pleas ealos heal mybrother form histmiane intoelrlaranecepela shelp hime at lot so ffood help him wiht work and his marriage and child.Lor dprotect them form all evil. Lor dpelas ehal all peopel save all souls and brign justince ot poor and needy thany you for your miracle today ( thnaky u. please Hoyl spirit guide me and take away all fear. help me put on mask get dressd and pelase tka eaway the rats the caus of th rays and forigve me sins. pelase take away the ratyi pelas eoyu Holy blood on this hous ethe wally the grounde udnergroun above let noe vil coem expose ot me why there are rates. Le tme knwo why lout d and clear and what to do forgiv emy sisn protec tus ofrm the deivl. dleiver my fmaily my hubby andhis fmaiyl form alle ivl and releas eus into Your way Lord forever. help us helarand obye you always and im sorry for my sins. dleive rme form alleivl i pelasd yfor forgivgienes and emrc.y int ehe name of the lOrd jue sChirst. help em find the irght bills that wee need to buy and right supplis for the rat thnak yoyu.