Beloved of All
praise the Lord who has given me much healign. pleas epray fo rmy rgandma who needs helaign form ulcer and also diarrehea for years due ot small bowle obstruction syndorme. pleas epray the Lor dheals her soul her mind emotions wilol and mood and all arthritis all dehydration issues adn kidneys uncotnroleld diabetes hihg blood sugar high blood pressure diabetes insipidus and also restore heals ehr muscler and her hernie and all deformities and atrophy and dmentica be healed and reversed all for the glor yof the Lord Jesus Christ. Lor dpelas have emrc yhelp em care for her and pleas ehal her mriacoulsy. Lor dim al so askign that oyu heal my mom form asperger syndorem an dall peopel who need helaign form this. please tell em why she has htis and how to help if i can. peleas ehal her brian. giv eme best celnaign supplies and wisdom and motivation to clean home and myself and fmaily. pelas ehal all bcterial infection in my fmaily hela my moms nerves and gums and tissure all teeth issues. ehlp her to say no and eat healthy and speka healthy . dleive rher form all unclena thoguths and demons. dleive rher form anyxiety fears etc. giv eher oyur salvaiton pelase Lord touch ehr and heal and restor eher mouth an dher heart will emotions and giv eher excelelent theory of mins exceleltn emotiona l detection heal her alexythimia hear eye cotnact give us exceleltn mother daughter connection help to to be helpfu and obedient in all thisngs so I may please oyu Lord. please also hela my dad. pelase giv ehim excelelnet hydration excelelnt insulin levels and excelelnt cognitive functions restore his youth like the eales and ssmae wiht my mom. may thei rlatter days be better than thier former day. surround them with positivity hope joy and healign an dhelping angels giv ethem the best wisdom and the power to utilize the wisdom you giv ehtem Lord. pelase resotre their marriage and brign helaign ino their lvies. pelas ehal my dad form all emotional disorders. pelase dleive rme y famiyl form all gout and all diabetes typey inculind diabetes insidpidues all for oyur glory an dby your power Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor id ask that no oen hs contorl ove rme except oyu Lord. pelase od the same for lalpeopel. pelas eprotec the weak and help those suffeirng.please dleive them form all suffeirng includign unjustivce malnourishment illness and demonic opression.please detsory the works of the deivl in my life my parent slvies and marriage and all marriages. please protect my hubby whoeve rhe is form allevil and evil doers may he have a heart after God and be always very loicign protective of me and evoted to the Lord and oru marriag e.may he trea tme lifke his queen and and ma yi treat him like Chirs.t help him to be merciful of all chortcmojings.may he wsh m wiht eh Word of God beign cHRIST.I pray the lord heals him mentally physically emotionally spritually and destry all demonic strogn holds in his life int he name fo the Lord Jeus Chirst. lOr dif Bis my husband pleas emake it extrmely clear to both of us and may not even nothign nothign come between our unionin Christ. if He is not my husband form God than please make that clear too. pleas eno ocutnerfeit husband for me Lord or for for B. i ask you ake this clear LOUd and clear tht we are One flesh thank you Lord. int henameof the Lor dJeus Chirst. if that is the case le tme know. i need to know. let me nto be decieve dLor di plead you Holyblood over htis prayer. let no weapon formed agaisnt this prayer prospr. please hela B hteeth and orgnas cough and brian . help him and send him trilions of hioly angels ot minsite rot him. i pray ofr his slavtion and for his life ot be God foccused aways and same wiht me. and all peopel. Lor dleive rhim form all eivl. give him frededom form smoking and alchahul addiciton and dleive rhim form all ungoldy or evil influence. ipra oyu giv ehim wisdom and exceleltn job you amde especially for himw ith best pay and ebnefits. ipray oyu giv ehim a hunger and htirst for oyur Lord. i pray this for lal peopel too. Lor dplease help me purchase whoat is necessary fo rmy work and fmaily. please o dall inyour power to get me wha ti need and do al inyour power so i do not buy what i do not need or you knwo will go to waste. pelas eprovide all my needs. pelase dleiver me form coronaphobia.please help me healr your voice loude rthna any othe rvocice wiht the corroect tone. pelas ehlp em giv ez grandma 3 diapersa nday pleas ehal and ressurec the rbrian and giv er her excleltn oxygen and vasoldialation to all her viens arteries. heal her hear and hear her ulcer. dleive rhir form all diabetic high blood suagr issues and reveal to me the root caus ehterefof how to get rid of it fo rmyle fot pelas help me do excelletn job unto oyu Lord. help me fall in love wiht oyu Lor.d please i pray this for all peopeo. i pray ou save all sous and hela htos ien accidents giv ehtem the appropriate medical aid attention medicie. do al in your power LOr dto prevent natural diasters wars rumors of wars heal and ressurect bdodied. may we find missing peopel alive. hela the peopele form all earthquake and aftrshock.please touch and ressurect thos ewho has missins limbs and teeth . all glor yis yours.Lor dhelp me to truly giv emy lfie ot oyua ndi pray htis for all epoel. please dleive rmy fmaily and B formt he devil and laos my hubby formt he Lor doto dleiver him formt he devil. please dleiver my parents form the deivl and please brign them the revlaiton they need and encoutner the Lor.d pleas eofrgiv emy sins. pelas eprotec tm yhubby form sinning even in his heart. please do the same for all peopel. pelas ehelp chrisitans to serve oyu and liv eof the gospel. Lor dplease help womento bcome keepers at hoem and may the men provide an dprotect heir wives. may marriage be honourbale above all as it say isn your Word. protect all marriages form affairs form adultery and form strange marriages .pleas eprotect all marriages oyu have ordianed form the deivl. protect my marriage ot my hubby keep us faithful to God and eahc other any may nothgin tear us apart or out love of rone another. please giv eme an dm yhubsnband and deivne conenction mody mind spirut emitonally physicaly ez contectwife udnerstandign so close liek no the rhuman may we alwaays keep our marriga ebed pure and holy. may the Lor dbelss our union and may it brign souls to his kingdom as well. please perfect tha thwich concern sus may we have full surrender and trust into Lord wiht our lives an dmarriage. tell my husband i love Him 5 itmes a day whoever He is my flehs and bone may he knwo we are the same flehs and same bone. i pray we find each other most attractiv ehumand on earth and only have eyes and hearts fro one and hands for one another. may we respec teach othe ran dmay we wlak into wisodm concenirng oen another and may God lead oru union . Lor dbless my husband wiht wisdom exceleltn health hapinessa dn godly influence and dliver himf orm all manner of evil and unclena habits same iwht me. i pra you giv ehim amrry heart an dpreotecitonf orm accident colisioan dn deth and same wiht my fmaila nd his side of fmaiyl al peopel here. Lor dprotectus from also pest rodents anóll satnaic powrwers. iprlead oyu holy blood upon my marriage upon my husband and all thathis does shee and htignks and same iwht em. may we be strictly onyl guided by the Spirit of our Lord Jeus Christ and may the Holy Spirit the spirit of our LOr dJeus Chris tmake us oNe flesh int ha appointed timign.t hanky ou Lor dfo rmy husband thanky you protec tour marirage may nothign separat eour lov of rone anothe rand devoiton to oyu or dan doru marriage. pelas belss us with Godsóly offspirng and seed and dedicate their lvie sot oyu Lor dhelp us to repnt and be foloowoers of you lor djeus Chirst. i pray htis voe rmy husband form God any ipray he lvoes me like Chirs tloved the churhc and gave himself up for the church. iprayGod will ehlp me o submit teahc em how and all i need to do as His wife. may our relaitonship w easy blesed wiht excelelnt communciaitonw ithout any henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray. and really really happy oto. ipray htis for all God ordain marriages. Lor dprotect all marriages and all peopel form all evil. Lord all please dleiver all peopel form organ weakness and or failure. hela my grandma skidnys and mind. hela al who are fighitng depression delusions . dleiver all poelóple form emtnla illness and hopelessnes. giv ethem helaign love power and osund mind. please Lor ddo all iny our power to dleiver allpeopelf orm intusive htoughts at are form the enemy and or suicidal thoguths int henameof the Lord Jeus chirst .pleas ehla those who feel hopless. please ressurect thei rlives bakc to healht to peace to hope in Christ. please save all osusl and hela al bodies. protect us form the deivl and please bith us Lord. please dleiver my hubby form all unclena htoughts giv ehim lov epower and osudn mind. iv ehim merr yheart and helaign physically in every wa. ypelas ehal Bs teeth too. pelas ehal all peopels dental flesh. or dhela al lmy fmaiyl of emntal physical emotional and spirutla illness. ocd as well.. pelase brign helaign to our htoguth smindgiv eus all the midn of Chirst.a ll peopel. pelase help us all do oyur will. ehlp physiciany doctors caregiver nurse sparents woemn mn chidlren do oyur Iwll. giv eus the power and esire and know how to do oyur will. please brign salvaiton to all osus wiht oyur Holy blood. thanky ou for this day. pelas ehla thos e who have cancer tumours heal my dads heart valve pelavse helay my moms heart heal all who have heart problems hela hearts and souls .pelase ldieve rmy brother form all allergy symptoms anyxiety fear (his brian heal his lfie brign salvation to him. send trilliosn of holy angels ot minister to him his wif and child . please giv ehimt he job you want him to hav Lord an dhis wife please provid ehousign best apportunites fo rhtem and also dleive rmy brother form all depression dehydration heal his teeth giv ehim wisodm and help in every area of his lfie. hela him adn his wife and strenghtrn their marriage commcuniacationa dn love foroen anothr help my neic ein every wa yhela her strgnthen her giv ehr wisdma dn exceleltn development neruloaymantally yhsically emotionalyl. may mybrothe ran dhis fmialy be happy. and lor dpleas eprotect her sid eof the fmaiyl form lal eivl rbign them the healign an djoy they need and salavaiotn .protect his wife at work. pleas eprotec tmy fmialy ofrm allplaguse coorna virsu. pelase ldieve rme form coorna phobia. pelase delive rus form tap issue sosap issus foold issues. pelase make it eas yot fix and alos dleive rus form all ucelan spirits all genraitonal yurses witschcraft cocutl same iwht B. please destroy all curse sin our lives and sam eiwht lal peol. pleas ehelp whose abusign other to stop abusing other and giv ehtem the helign they need. int heanfor both parties. protect all babies children and teents form evil. protect allmarriages a. ipray the lord jins me an dmyhusband to be one flesh and we will be ver yblessed an dhapy together. i pra ymy husband alway si gentle iwht me becaus ehe loves me i pray he is alos gentle iwht lal peopel and same with me. and all peopel. i pray god doe sal in hos power to join me to the man who is my flesh and bone and does all in his power to do this at His appointed time. help us Lor dprepar for one anothe ran dpleas eprovide fo roal oru needs thnak you Father. in thename of the Lord Jeus Christ. pelas ealso dleiver oru hoem sour live sour properties including undegorund roof form all evil int ehnameof the Lord Jeus Christ same wiht all peopel.lrord pleas eprotect prevetn all pepoel form all accidents confusion delusion hallucination adn dmeonic spirits nto to contorl anyone thnak you LordJeus Chirst wiht oyur HOly blood i ask and thanky ou for oyur Holy blodo i plead your mercy and hOly blodo onthis prayer. helpa ll widows and orphans henameof the Lord Jeus Christ. hea and help al onthis iste and htie rfmialeis.. hela htosie hhwo need helaign . Lor dhlp me buy onyl wha toyu wan to me to buys protec tm ypurchase sofrm evil bless all tha ti bus and do say tignk and to the same of ral peopel. guid eus wiht the powe rof oyur Hoy spirit into all truthregauridng all thigns. thnak youLord in thenameof the Lor dJeus Chirst. pleas hela my grandma ofrm skin contiditona nd fungus. pela shela he reyes and please hela her cicurlationa dn mobitlity adn adn heal her bloos prssure hea her form all obstictiosn dleive rhis and all fmaiyl form infecitons. ehla he rwounds help em car ef or her giv em direciton how. thnak you Lord in all thigns in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. help us to do oyu Loil. pelas ehal my grandma Lord Jeus Christ for oyur Glory and by your powr er hela her of ementia hear her small boel obtruciotn syndroe heal her narrow arteries urinary tract inf ection strep her outh her sklap her bloos her skull her bones her pancreas al ehr organs touch heal and repair all connective tissue all wounds and also her memory and if appicabel rbian shrincage malnutrtion aml nourishemnt issues. giv eme wisodm what to fed her hwo mcuh etec . bles sall her food medicine water everyhitng in he rlife. giv ehe rmerr yheart also giv my mom merr yhear hopeful adn bels sher in evry way Lord an dmyn my da dny hubby form the Lord and all peoel. thnak you Lord fo rmour live shelp us to live it unto serivn YOu. please make your presnce knwon to us. thnka ouy Lor idn thenameof the Lord Jesus Christ i pray. please Lord guide me more carefully than eve rbefor an di rpay htis fo rlal peopel. open my eyes to what oyu want me to see hear think etc and do the anem for all peopel. thank you Lord .dleiver us all form evil aand our fmaily and homes propertirs and lands posesison. ehla thos ehwo wer ein neatrual disaster take away the ocrna vire us pelase Lor dhela our Lands our earth help us to take care of it thnak yu Lor dint henameof the Lord Jesus Christ.