Disciple of Prayer
Praise the lord This is Anitha from Banglore,India Working as a Software Engineer.. I m facing lot of struggle because of my husband.. He is using his tongue as a sword..he is always using abuse language and insulting me alot.. I am unable to bare this kind of situation..I was raised from a very disciplined believers family but he was not.. Please pray for his change in behaviour..I was praying from so many years.. He is not taking care of me in any of the situation.. he doesn't like to spend single penny even I was in hospital..he was such kind of person..please understand his mindset and he shows very rude behaviour towards me.. He is keep on scolding me and my family members and beating me alot and expecting me to bend before him all the time. I thought of commiting suicide.. He has all bad habits like smoking,boozing and affairs.he used to roam around pubs and bars. He is maintaining Bad friendship Please remember to pray ... I am struggling alot