Disciple of Prayer
Praise the Lord, My Name is Mayank Biswal , lives in Greater Noida U.P. I am from Christian family and taken baptism in the name of Jesus . Jesus is taking care of me from my childhood , forgave a lot my sins, saved me lots of time and taken me out from a lot of problems . I am married to Hindu Punjabi Girl from Jalandhar and have 2 daughters . 3 years before I have started a business with my job for side income as my wife doesn’t do job , I have spent all my savings in that business and taken loans from bank but business got flop and left me a lot of debts . Then I have listen about share market and taken loan to invest and to recover what I have lost in business but I was not knowing that for share market also you need to study a lot and then do that , by the time I realised that , I have lost huge amount of money in that also . Now I am left with 70 lac rs debt and 80 % of my salary is going in loans and credit card . I use to give and help people whoever use to come to me, Jesus made my hands giver but I don’t know when and how my hands become taker from people. Now days I ask money from everyone to manage my expenses and don’t feel good at all . I can’t tell you my pain and kind of feeling I have but I need urgent prayers for me to get out of my all debts because this stress is killing me slowly . My all Church members are praying for me , my all family members are praying for me and I request you also to pray for me . Please do pray till the time I don’t come back to you and testify myself because I know nothing is impossible by our Lord God Almighty and his Son Jesus Christ our saviour. Your Brother in Christ