Praise the lord. I am 21 years old and suffering from diabetes for 7 years. I am from middle class family. I don't have my own house. Due to my diabetes problems, i am not able to walk as normal people and can't even run for 7 years. My family treat me as a burden on them. I am a college student and now my family unable to get my medicines and not able to spend too much on me. After my studies , i have to earn for myself as family feels me a burden on them. But if i couldn't get healed how can i get the job. I am suffering from depression also, depression of diabetes problems, depression of unable to walk like other people, depression of how could i get a chance of job after 4 months. I am in Masih for 1 year around. I have believe in Lord jesus christ. I want to get out from all my tensions. I haven't seen my childhood like other children at that age. Pray for me 