Beloved of All
praise rperot: yesterdayespecially i recieve dhealign in my teeth gums jaw alignment mriauclouls ythe Lord shifted them into place. i prais eHIm for this miracle!thank you Lord. i praise you for this forever. our Lord Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life. nothignis impossibel to our God. i pra yll oare heale id HIs name of all illness iscknes and disease. to Him be the Glor yin thenamoef the Lord Jesus Christ. thnaky ou all for oyu rprayers!.pleas e please pray my grandma to be heale dof muscles abnormalitiesd deformities small bowel obstruciotns snydnrome helaign is urgentlyneed for her for she has been bedridden for years i also need prayer sso i cna care for her the way God want sme to and prayers to help my mom the way GBod want sme to and tha ti am not stubborn. i need hi guidance and stregnth to fdot he waork. thanky ou somcuhf or praiyng this is heale dof all illness sickness disease and dleivere dof all unclena spirtus by the Holy stripes of the lord Jeus Chirst by His stripes she is healed. prais ethe Lord i pelad Hoyl blood of Chirs ton my grandma bderidden for years severely skinny malnourished Lor dheal thier idgesiton bowels bloos suagr issues and mien too. pelas ehlp em care for her and hela her restor eher ot life. also hela my mom dleive rher form neegative tohoughts depression. heal h rbrian touch her in every way touch her and delive rher form asperger syndorm pelas mature devekope and giv eher helathy brian excelelnt empathy congnitive empathy abel to read emotional expressions may i eb abel to correctly discern her tone and communciate wellw ith her may we become true firned in Cirst. touch and hela and srestor ehe rmought her uterous and tak eawa y all pein in her hip heal her form bones probelms strenghtne heal her dleive rhe rofrm engaitv e thoguth semotions and dpresison amy she be filled wiht the joy of the Lord today nand forevermore itn henameo fthe lord Jeu schirst same withmy dad. Lor dheal both myparent heart heal their marriage if you ar eiwllign save their souls and hela them emotianlly hscialyy mentally spirtually ine very wa ybles smy parente sprovide themwiht the bes tofht ebest car eand provision God ordain relaiotnships and may your hoyl spirit guide them itno all truyth pleas eprotec tmy fmaiyl form deaht accidenty proetect our comign and ogin glor.d help us do the taks oyu want us to do may we do it heartily onto you. Giv eus the stregnht poiwer ability and courage ot do oyur Will. pelas edliever em and my famyiyl form all mental phycial emotional spirtutal illness by the holy blod ofc HCirst. pelas edlieve rm yfmaily form all possibel evil otughts. dleiverance form suicidla htoughts forevr itn he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chris.t dleive rus form all ocd itnrusive thoguths, hopelessness . pelase hela and ressurect ouall our bodies to funcitont he way God wills. pelase heal my brother steeht gums dental flehs . dleive rmy fmaiyl form deprsison cruched spiritu. uproot every root oof resentment agnge rbitterness and sorrow. pelas eLor dsatisfy the souldof all my fmaily memebrs pelase turn our sorrows in to joy. pelas edleiver oru properties our mind bidies posessionadn all peopelf orm all evil . dleive rus form all addiction ungodly habits and tormentign spiritus. pelase hela our will. dleive rus form wantign our will but yours. dleiver my fmialy form fear worry anxiet.y pelase restore and otuch all our brian nd bodies so theey ar estrogn powerful and may we be fileld wiht YOur Love Lord Jeus Chirs.t pelas let me speka what you want onyl hear what oyu say Lor dan dma yi onyl follow oyur voice ipray htis fo rla peopel. Lor di pray that if you are willign please giv em my own husband who loves me forever and woudl die for me and vice versa. pelase make it clear to to me which man i was mad eofr an dmy purpose is as his wife help me to help my mom and gudie me how ot do this. pelase rstor emy grandma hela her brian and pela sehlep em car for her . pela shelp her digrest properly and no blood sugar issues or blockage or obstruciotn issues when eatign let htie rbe mroe spac.e Lor dplease pleas ehal her for oyu Glory . pelase hel pme car ofr her. i nee dmroe strongth i need more of oyur help Lor din cairng for her. also help me witness the gospel of the lOr djue sChirst and may oyu giv em the word sot speak when tlakgin about you Lord and oyur slavaiotn. Lor dhelp my unbelif in all concenrign you Lord int henameo fthe Lor djue schirst pleas eptrotec tmy fmaily form all eivl and all on this site. pelase giv eus your peace Lord wisodm. estbalish our thoguhts and guide are hearts wiht oyur holy spiirt. pelase do this formy husband form the lor doto. pelas eprotect our unity our marriage aand pelas ehelp my husband in his joblife every htign . may he hear oyu voice always. pelas eldieve rmy husbadn form al evil all evil habits may you flal in love iwht the lord Jesus Christ tndhis Words. Lor dplease help em rfesh em hela me im so weary. pelas estrenghtnme. surroudnme wiht oyu rholy angels. pelase giv my fmaiyl vcotry t over vome and yobstacle any disease by your holy blood. ipeas eoyur Holy Blodo Lord Jesus Christ ove rmy life over my husband form the Lord life ove rmygrandma slife my mosm life my dads liek brothers life his wife slife and their baby life and and all relativ enear and distant lives and allpeopels lives. Lor dhelp us to discern you voice. ma yeachone of us be so storgnly bonded tooyur voice Lord tat is all we hear an dobey heartily. I askthis int henameof the lord Jeus Chirs.t plea seporvid eofrlla my needs and do the sma eofr lal peoel. thanky ouf or oyur helaign blesisng. dleiver em form sorrowpela eand do the sma eofr la peoepl. pelase restore the healht of all my fmialymemebrs pelas elOr pelase giv eus lif ein abudnace ot the rprias ena glro yof oyur name. may all my osue by saved by your holy blodo.forgiv eour sisn and please favour and bless my fmaiylLor diwht the best care form your hand sthnak yOU Lord. protec tus form all harm form all evil formt he coronavirus.pelas eprotec tus form sickness and sieas eand eliver us form all eivl. pelas ei pra yn pelade yoypur hoyl blood uponyal my fmaily memebry myself my huabdn ormt e Lord and his side of the fmaily. Lord pleas ejoin me wiht the man you want to join me with at your itming. Lor dtel me who my husband is loud and clear. thnak you Lor dint henameof the Lord Jesus Chirst name, also hjelp me go ot post office ehlp me to do al these task im so tired Lord. help pelase!! Lor dgive em a steadfast Spirit that worhsips and serves you aloen i pray hit sfor la peopel too. dleive rus out of the hands of the deivl in veryway. YOur Kingdom come your WIl be doen. By my everyhitgn lord. help me prepare for oyur omign and help me also get what my fmailyneeds. thnak you Lord.
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